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Posts posted by pietM

  1. Thanks for this, Zach. 


    As always, you're a great help. But, I'm still unable to get this to work. I've tried to scope the selectors to the "ticker" instance, but lost the draggable function and still can't multiply the ticker. 


    This is a foundational animation, so I'm using it to better acquaint myself with GSAP's syntax. 
    Thanks for all! 


    See the Pen VweQayd by euqio (@euqio) on CodePen


  2. Thanks, Zach! 


    The examples are always helpful. But in linked examples, the individual cells have a fixed width. Is there an example with varying widths? I was able to achieve the the effect here, but I can't duplicate the animation for multiple uses on a single page. I've tried this with  "document.querySelectorAll("ul").forEach(ticker => {" but it just aggregates all the elements into single "wrapper".


    See the Pen jOWLxdM by euqio (@euqio) on CodePen


    Appreciate any help here.

    Many thanks,

  3. Thank you, Zach! 


    This is basically what I'm looking for! But, the second animation is placed in the relative position and animates below "No.1".  When I change the panel position to absolute, I lose animation for "No.1".


    Is there a way to simply replace the sequence "No. 1" with sequence "No.2"? 


    I have an updated pen here:

    See the Pen gOPwajg by euqio (@euqio) on CodePen


    Please let me know. 
    Very much appreciate your attention, 



  4. Hi again everyone, 


    I have a simple pen with two timeline instances. Is there a way to play these in a linear sequence (from No. 1 to No. 2), rather than playing at the same time? Another newbie question, but the community response is teaching me a lot! 


    With appreciation, 

    See the Pen yLeaNOO by euqio (@euqio) on CodePen

  5. Hi everyone! 


    A quick, perhaps easy question to answer: How to change the animateSlides(direction) here (from right to left instead of left to right)? Also curious if the slider can be wrapped for multiple sliders on a single page. Something like sliders.forEach((slider, i) => {});  


    I appreciate your thoughts. 
    With appreciation, 

    See the Pen RwrWVXg by euqio (@euqio) on CodePen

  6. Thanks for the quick response, Zach! 


    I'm starting with a simple animation to understand the logic before elaborating a bit. The first caption DOES the correct behavior, but captions 2 and 3 do not. If you scroll to the second and third images, the captions don't trigger like the first. 

    Thanks for your help! 
    Very best, 

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