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Everything posted by dawid660

  1. Hi, I want to kill animation when I scroll beyond image. I have to kill aniamtion in "//this" observer = new IntersectionObserver(entries => { entries.forEach(entry => { if (entry.intersectionRatio > 0) { arrowsAnimation() } else { //this gsap.set([dots_DEV, dev_CODE, test_CODE, preprod_CODE, prod_CODE,], { opacity: 0 }) gsap.set(arrow1_CODE, { x: 0 }) gsap.set(arrow2_CODE, { y: -90 }) gsap.set(arrow3_CODE, { x: -100, y: 100 }) } }); }); I try to use arrowsAnimation.kill() but it doesn't work
  2. dawid660

    Mixins gsap

    It is possible to set a "mixin" to animation like this: const example = () => { return ( { fill: "609E78", duration: 1.58 }, { fill: "E69D00", duration: 0.41 }, { fill: "609E78", duration: 0.09 }, { fill: "609E78", duration: 0.5 }, { fill: "E69D00", duration: 0.41 }, { fill: "609E78", duration: 0.09 }, { fill: "609E78", duration: 6.91 }, ) } function implementationAnimation() { gsap.to([dot1_CODE], { keyframes: [ { fill: "609E78", opacity: 1, duration: 0.01, delay: 2 }, example() ], repeat: -1, }); I want to use "example" in some other place
  3. Hi, I have a problem. I would like to rotate the "pot" and other elements around the center of SVG. Is it possible? Currently, when the transformOrigin "50%, 50%", the pot rotates around itself
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