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  1. Wow thank you so much!! @Cassie @akapowl
  2. Hey all! I'm trying to create a simple script to change the background color with ScrollTrigger, but every section change the color jumps can you help me understand what am I wrong? Thank you!!
  3. Thank you @akapowl the last one is what I’m looking for!! ??
  4. Hey all! I am trying to implement ScrollTrigger on a fixed element. The idea was to trigger the element I use from space (.spacer). Can anyone tell me how to do it? Thank you!!
  5. Hi all! I'm trying to resize and positioning a fixed text on scroll with ScrollTrigger and CSSRulePlugin, font size made a good smooth transition but flex propriety snaps. Can you tell me why? ? Do you think it is the best way to achieve this interaction? Thank you so much!!
  6. Yes I'm referring to this!! Thank you @Shrug ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. Hey all! With GSAP it’s possible to do an arch distortion effect on motion? Here’s an example on the preload background https://jonathanalpmyr.com/ Thank you! ?
  8. Hi everyone! I try to loop a CustomWiggle animation here the link https://theverso.webflow.io/ After 5-6 loops there's a little stop. How I can avoid it? Here's the JS: var mySplitText = new SplitText(".c-preloader_text", {type:"chars,words, lines"}), tl = new TimelineLite(); CustomWiggle.create("myWiggle", {wiggles:10, type:"uniform"}); //tl.staggerFrom(mySplitText.chars, 3, {x:800}, 0.02); tl.staggerFrom(mySplitText.chars, 5, {y:15, repeat: -1, ease:"myWiggle"}, 0.05, 0) Thank you so much! ?
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