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  1. this works fine! thanks a lot! I didn't know about this position parameter, I thought delay was the way to... well... delay tweens between each other in a timeline. Looking forward to the GSAP scroll plugin!
  2. (almost) every tween with a negative delay I put in a timeline is already there BEFORE the tl starts. When I say already there I mean it already has more than 0 opacity when I animate it FROM 0 opacity. This never happens to the first element of the timeline (which has 0 delay) but happens a lot with subsequent elements who have negative delay. Now I know this happens regularly when the negative delay of the tween is larger than the duration of the previous tween, which kind of makes sense, but it's also happening a lot (not always) with proper, smaller negative delay, like in this case, .corsi-grid_out > p and .corsi-grid > * are already visible before the tl triggers. tlCorsi2.from (".corsi-grid_out > h2", {duration: 1, ease: "back.out(1)", opacity: 0, y: -40}) .from (".corsi-grid_out > p", {duration: 1, ease: "back.out(1)", opacity: 0, y: -40, delay: -0.7}) .from (".corsi-grid > *", {duration: 1, ease: "back.out(1)", opacity: 0, delay: -0.7}); var scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene ({ triggerElement: ".corsi-grid_out", triggerHook: 0.7, reverse: false }) .setTween(tlCorsi2) .addTo(controller); apparently, this happens only with tl triggered by scrollmagic, but I don't know why that could relate to the gsap timeline. I've tried and tried but to no avail. I've kind of worked around this by using only one tween and using stagger as much as possible, but sometimes is not a nice solution. Any help?
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