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Everything posted by lauraddr

  1. lauraddr


    Thank you for your response, I'm sorry for the codepen link I provided there was a recording that shouldn't have taken place that's why you must have misunderstood... In fact I would like to be able to control body movin with the help of gsap. my goal would be to launch my animation using a timeline. I hope that I can express myself better. https://codepen.io/134Laura/pen/ExNarav
  2. lauraddr


    Hello everyone ? I need your help with an animation I'm trying to do, I'm having trouble understanding it. I would like to launch a path that I will create, which will be triggered at the end of my first timeline. can you please enlighten me ?
  3. Thank you very much for your help and advice, I'll look into it right away. Thank you again, you're on top, take care of yourself. ?
  4. lauraddr

    Timeline reverse

    Hi, I'm coming to you because I'm just starting to get into greensock and I can't figure out how to do a reverse of my animation. I'd like to run my animation in reverse to the click, and then do a page transition. I'm stuck on this notion of reverse. Can you help me please
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