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ngrinchenko last won the day on November 25 2012

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ngrinchenko last won the day on November 25 2012

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  1. I need a guidance in a proper direction. I am working on a thanksgiving animation card and wanted to emulated leaves thrown up/falling down effect with individual letter forms. I would like individual letters kind of explode in a puff from the bottom of the screen (each letter has a unique color), then they slow down in the middle of the screen and start to fall down in a swirling fallen leaves fashion. As they fall down they assemble into the text a couple lines long. This text is a real thank you note. As they assemble into the text they change to a uniform color. Please suggest which filter or combination of filter/effects I should look into to accompllish such a look. Thanks in advance.
  2. restart() works perfectly every time. I tested it without the set up in outHandler and it works as well. If all I want the tween to play each time once the mouse is over my mc - do I need the set up in outHandler?
  3. It did not work. Maybe my Tween is too long, but at the end I have this ", repeat:1, yoyo:true, paused:true" Maybe it messes up what you are suggesting? I attach a simple file to take a look at.
  4. I play my Tween on MOUSE_OVER. Then I would like it to be reset on MOUSE_OUT so when there is a MOUSE_OVER again on that MC - it plays again. ACOLYTE_mc.ACOLYTE_logo_btn.ACOLYTE_flash.alpha = 0; var ACOLYTE_flash_Tween:TweenMax = TweenMax.fromTo(ACOLYTE_mc.ACOLYTE_logo_btn.ACOLYTE_flash, .25, {scaleX:.1, scaleY:.1},{scaleX:1, scaleY:.4, alpha:1, glowFilter:{color:0xffffff, alpha:1, blurX:12, blurY:5, strength:5, quality:3}, blurFilter:{blurX:12, blurY:4, quality:3}, repeat:1, yoyo:true, paused:true}); ACOLYTE_mc.ACOLYTE_logo_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, overHandler_ACOLYTE_logo_btn); ACOLYTE_mc.ACOLYTE_logo_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, outHandler_ACOLYTE_logo_btn); function overHandler_ACOLYTE_logo_btn(e:MouseEvent):void{ ACOLYTE_flash_Tween.play(); trace("you rolled over me"); } function outHandler_ACOLYTE_logo_btn(e:MouseEvent):void{ ACOLYTE_flash_Tween.restart(); trace("you rolled off me"); } I want the tween to play only once on MOUSE_OVER each time the mouse is over that mc. On MOUSE_OUT nothing happens on the screen just the tween is being reset to play again. In my set up it plays again
  5. Thanks, I can't believe I missed that. I was so much preoccupied with "difficult " part of 3 individual timeLines, that simple 3 nested time lines were never under the radar to double check.
  6. I did not work. I made two simplified versions. Version 1:"openingCollage3C_test" is where timeLines are not nested and play one after another by setting up delays. Version2:"openingCollage3CNested_test" is where timeLInes are nested, delays are removed. However they do not play as expected. I have a delay on the screen and then everything animates in already with rendered. So it looks like blur and alpha tween already happened while there was a delay and then x,y position tweened in. As a side question. I personally like blur effect and tend to use it quite often. I did remove it as you suggested, but perhaps because there are only five mc's on the screen it did not seem to matter. So I put it back in. I would like to ask you what are the sensible guidelines for using a blur tween. For example: I should or should not apply blur to moving mc's? I should have it on the smallest area as possible? Ignore the quality settings? Make blur in the smaller settings possible, i.e. 10 is much better then 100? Should I use blur as sparingly as possible? openingCollage3C_test.fla.zip openingCollage3CNested_test.fla.zip
  7. If I follow your explanation correctly then it seems that I am doing everything right and still it doesn't work. To be presize it doesn't work properly. I have a blank screen for about 15 sec. and then everything animates without any seen transitions, except for movement in a sec to full completion. It supposed to be a soft animation which starts right away without any delay. Just a reminder all the code works if I don't use nested timelines set up. Here is my code in its entirety: stop(); import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; import flash.events.MouseEvent; /////////////////////////////////////////// //sets all Apps images to dark TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.coolingreflectionsIntro_btn, 0, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1.5, brightness: .25, saturation: 0.5}}); TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.towerspectaculaireIntro_btn, 0, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1.5, brightness: .25, saturation: 0.5}}); TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.PinkPassionIntro_btn, 0, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1.5, brightness: .25, saturation: 0.5}}); TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.gazingglowIntro_btn, 0, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1.5, brightness: .25, saturation: 0.5}}); TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.BubbleOasisIntro_btn, 0, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1.5, brightness: .25, saturation: 0.5}}); TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.icysophisticationIntro_btn, 0, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1.5, brightness: .25, saturation: 0.5}}); TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.RosesGallasGaloreIntro_btn, 0, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1.5, brightness: .25, saturation: 0.5}}); TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.FlamelessTabletopAccentsIntro_btn, 0, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1.5, brightness: .25, saturation: 0.5}}); TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.CrystalSparkleIntro_btn, 0, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1.5, brightness: .25, saturation: 0.5}}); TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.CountryTowerIntro_btn, 0, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1.5, brightness: .25, saturation: 0.5}}); TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.ButterflyGlowIntro_btn, 0, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1.5, brightness: .25, saturation: 0.5}}); TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.SilverBloomIntro_btn, 0, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1.5, brightness: .25, saturation: 0.5}}); /////////////////////////////////////////// ////TimeLine starts var IntroCollage_timeLine:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({timeScale: .5}); //////// IntroCollage_timeLine.appendMultiple([ TweenMax.from(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.coolingreflectionsIntro_btn, .5, {y:"-120", autoAlpha:0, blurFilter:{blurX:100, blurY:5, quality:2}}), TweenMax.from(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.Spot4SMTIntro_btn, .4, {x:"+88", autoAlpha:.13, blurFilter:{blurX:100, blurY:11, quality:3}}), TweenMax.from(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.towerspectaculaireIntro_btn, .3, {y:"+77", autoAlpha:0, blurFilter:{blurX:0, blurY:100, quality:3}}), TweenMax.from(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.PinkPassionIntro_btn, .25, {y:"+140", autoAlpha:0, blurFilter:{blurX:100, blurY:22, quality:3}}), TweenMax.from(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.SumixDisc3SMTIntro_btn, .3, {y:"-124", autoAlpha:0, blurFilter:{blurX:0, blurY:100, quality:3}}), TweenMax.from(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.SilverBloomIntro_btn, .3, {autoAlpha:0, blurFilter:{blurX:0, blurY:100, quality:3}}), TweenMax.from(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.ButterflyGlowIntro_btn, .3, {x:"-120", y:"+124", autoAlpha:0, blurFilter:{blurX:25, blurY:75, quality:3}}), TweenMax.from(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.gazingglowIntro_btn, .5, {scaleX:1.4, scaleY:1.4, x:"99", y:"+55", autoAlpha:0, blurFilter:{blurX:100, blurY:5, quality:3}}), TweenMax.from(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.CountryTowerIntro_btn, .5, {scaleX:1.4, scaleY:1.4, x:"-83", y:"+24", autoAlpha:0, blurFilter:{blurX:100, blurY:5, quality:3}}), TweenMax.from(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.CrystalSparkleIntro_btn, .4, {x:"+70", y:"-57", autoAlpha:0, blurFilter:{blurX:60, blurY:5, quality:3}}), TweenMax.from(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.FlamelessTabletopAccentsIntro_btn, .3, {x:"+190", autoAlpha:0, blurFilter:{blurX:100, blurY:25, quality:3}}), TweenMax.from(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.RosesGallasGaloreIntro_btn, .3, {x:"+45", y:"-89", autoAlpha:0, blurFilter:{blurX:100, blurY:35, quality:3}}), TweenMax.from(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.SubFloraLytelIntro_btn, .3, {x:"+120", y:"-144", autoAlpha:.13, blurFilter:{blurX:25, blurY:75, quality:3}}), TweenMax.from(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.FloraLyteIntro_btn, .3, {x:"+115", y:"+119", autoAlpha:.13, blurFilter:{blurX:100, blurY:35, quality:3}}), TweenMax.from(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.icysophisticationIntro_btn, .3, {y:"-229", autoAlpha:0, blurFilter:{blurX:10, blurY:100, quality:3}}), TweenMax.from(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.Toronado20Intro_btn, .4, {x:"+77", autoAlpha:.13, blurFilter:{blurX:55, blurY:22, quality:3}}), TweenMax.from(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.LyteRing6SMTIntro_btn, .4, {x:"-10", y:"+57", autoAlpha:0, blurFilter:{blurX:60, blurY:5, quality:3}}), TweenMax.from(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.BubbleOasisIntro_btn, .3, {y:"-229", autoAlpha:0, blurFilter:{blurX:10, blurY:100, quality:3}}), TweenMax.from(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.EMini9Intro_btn, .5, {y:"+129", autoAlpha:0, blurFilter:{blurX:100, blurY:3, quality:3}})], -.2, TweenAlign.START, 0); ///product pictures light up and dim var prdctIntroFlashUp_tl:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({timeScale: 3, repeat:1, yoyo:true, delay: 1}); prdctIntroFlashUp_tl.appendMultiple([ TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.EMini9Intro_btn.EMini9_ON, .7, {alpha:1, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.LyteRing6SMTIntro_btn.LyteRing6SMT_ON, 1.7, {alpha:1, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.Toronado20Intro_btn.Toronado20_ON, 1.7, {alpha:1, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.FloraLyteIntro_btn.FloraLyte_ON, .7, {alpha:1, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.SubFloraLytelIntro_btn.SubFloraLytel_ON, .7, {alpha:1, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.SumixDisc3SMTIntro_btn.SumixDisc3SMT_ON, 1.5, {alpha:1, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.Spot4SMTIntro_btn.Spot4SMT_ON, .7, {alpha:1})], -.5, //offset number, i.e. how long it waits before to start TweenAlign.SEQUENCE,//START tweens start times are aligned, or TweenAlign.SEQUENCE so they start one after another -0.9);//n = staggers the TweenAlign.START time, ///application pictures bright up var AppsIntroLightUp_tl:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({timeScale: 1, delay: 2}); AppsIntroLightUp_tl.appendMultiple([ TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.coolingreflectionsIntro_btn, .7, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1, brightness: 1, saturation: 1}, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.towerspectaculaireIntro_btn, 1.7, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1, brightness: 1, saturation: 1}, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.PinkPassionIntro_btn, 1.7, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1, brightness: 1, saturation: 1}, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.gazingglowIntro_btn, .7, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1, brightness: 1, saturation: 1}, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.BubbleOasisIntro_btn, .7, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1, brightness: 1, saturation: 1}, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.icysophisticationIntro_btn, 1.5, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1, brightness: 1, saturation: 1}, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.RosesGallasGaloreIntro_btn, 1, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1, brightness: 1, saturation: 1}, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.FlamelessTabletopAccentsIntro_btn, .5, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1, brightness: 1, saturation: 1}, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.CrystalSparkleIntro_btn, .5, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1, brightness: 1, saturation: 1}, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.CountryTowerIntro_btn, 1.2, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1, brightness: 1, saturation: 1}, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.ButterflyGlowIntro_btn, 1.7, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1, brightness: 1, saturation: 1}, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.AppsIntro.SilverBloomIntro_btn, 1, {colorMatrixFilter:{contrast:1, brightness: 1, saturation: 1}, ease:Sine.easeOut})], -.5, //offset number, i.e. how long it waits before to start TweenAlign.SEQUENCE,//START tweens start times are aligned, or TweenAlign.SEQUENCE so they start one after another -0.9); //nest another TimelineMax inside your timeline... var myTimeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); myTimeline.append(prdctIntroFlashUp_tl); myTimeline.append(AppsIntroLightUp_tl); myTimeline.append(IntroCollage_timeLine);
  8. I am lost at seemingly "simple" thing, at least I think it worked out for me before. I have 3 timelines which have to play one after another. So to time them together I put a delay on each next time line. I would like to do it a proper way and nest them into one main time line. Each individually they work fine. So, here are my timelines: var IntroCollage_timeLine:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({timeScale: .5}); var prdctIntroFlashUp_tl:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({timeScale: .2, repeat:1, yoyo:true, delay: 2}); var AppsIntroLightUp_tl:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({timeScale: 1, delay: 4}); then after the code for these timeLines I try to do this: var myTimeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); myTimeline.append(prdctIntroFlashUp_tl); myTimeline.append(AppsIntroLightUp_tl); myTimeline.append(IntroCollage_timeLine); I also tried this code: var myTimeline2:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); myTimeline2.appendMultiple([ (prdctIntroFlashUp_tl), (AppsIntroLightUp_tl), (IntroCollage_timeLine)], -.2, TweenAlign.START, 0); But it works (kind of) only on START. If I do SEQUENCE - nothing happens What did I miss? I tried to delete the repeat:1, yoyo:true and all the delays, but to no avail...
  9. Can I reverse the timeLine right after it was played? Here is my code for the timeLine: var prdctIntroFlashUp_tl:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({timeScale: 1, delay: 3}); prdctIntroFlashUp_tl.appendMultiple([ TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.EMini9Intro_btn.EMini9_ON, .7, {alpha:1, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.LyteRing6SMTIntro_btn.LyteRing6SMT_ON, 1.7, {alpha:1, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.Toronado20Intro_btn.Toronado20_ON, 1.7, {alpha:1, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.FloraLyteIntro_btn.FloraLyte_ON, .7, {alpha:1, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.SubFloraLytelIntro_btn.SubFloraLytel_ON, .7, {alpha:1, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.SumixDisc3SMTIntro_btn.SumixDisc3SMT_ON, 1.5, {alpha:1, ease:Sine.easeOut}), TweenMax.to(IntroIMGS_COLLAGE.prdctsIntro.Spot4SMTIntro_btn.Spot4SMT_ON, .7, {alpha:1})], -.5, //offset number, i.e. how long it waits before to start TweenAlign.SEQUENCE,//START tweens start times are aligned, or TweenAlign.SEQUENCE so they start one after another -0.9);
  10. My main time line is sectioned into two labeled keyframed sections. In section1 I have a button called "APPLICATIONS" which colors blue on roll over and discolors on roll out. In this section1 there is an SWF loader which loads additional buttons. These buttons when clicked bring user to section2, where the button "APPLICATIONS" should be staying colored in. However it does not happen. My idea was to play the timeLine which is set up is section1 in the main file by a command in the loaded SWF file, which works now. However I still need to make sure that evenListeners are disabled as well. I dabbled in a code attempt, but it did not seem to work. Is it possible to accomplish? playTimeLineOutOfLoadedSWF_test 3.zip
  11. Wow, This is a new approach to me. I have a fairly complicated website. The reason I segmented the main time line is that I can easily see each labeled section and access a code for it right away. What you are suggesting, if understand you correctly, the entire site consists of only one frame with Movie Clips for each section located on that frame. Then all the code per each section would be located? Is it inside the Movie Clip for each section or on one layer of the first frame where all of the movie clips for the website are located? If I put the code on first frame for all the present movie clips - it will become one huge page of code for everything. Is it how it is done? Or only navigation goes on first frame and all the rest as animation goes inside the movie clips? I would appreciate if you could drop a note on that subject and perhaps point me to a good follow up tutorial on this?
  12. My main time line is sectioned into two labeled keyframed sections. In section1 I have a button called "APPLICATIONS" which colors blue on roll over and discolors on roll out. In this section1 there is an SWF loader which loads additional buttons. These buttons when clicked bring user to section2, where the button "APPLICATIONS" should be staying colored in. However it does not happen. My idea was to play the timeLine which is set up is section1 in the main file by a command in the loaded SWF file, but it doesn't seem to work out. Is it possible to accomplish?
  13. Thanks for the hint. Is there a gradient Tween I can apply in one direction so it looks similar? I would put it to blend to alpha:0, so it looks like a blur.
  14. I applied a BlurTween to my shape. Then I applied a mask to this shape cutting off the top. The end result should be that I have a gradation at the bottom and sharp edge on the top. However the BlurTween jumps down and positions itself as if centered, thus giving me BlurTween on the top and bottom of my shape. How do I make sure that there is only BlurTween at the bottom and straight cut on the top?
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