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Jim NZ

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Everything posted by Jim NZ

  1. Legend, thanks @mvaneijgen, everything's working smoothly. I'll be sure to read that post before I move on. ?
  2. Hi there, I'm relatively new to NextJS and React, and am trying to nail GSAP integration in NextJS. I've come across an issue I can't seem to get around. In my codepen example how can I use timelines? I get unusual behaviour when I change to this type of format: useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { // PROBLEM 1: I tried to use `const tl = gsap.timeline()` here. // then change `gsap.context()` to `tl.context()` but I get errors. let ctx = gsap.context(() => { return () => ctx.revert() // cleanup }, []) // PROBLEM 2: works okay with `gsap` but not this. const tl = gsap.timeline(); // 1. SCROLLTRIGGER ANIMATIONS tl.to('.spin_text', { scrollTrigger: '.gsap_orange', duration: 2, rotation: 360, }) // ... etc // 2. OTHER GSAP ANIMATIONS }, [scrollPage.current]); Thanks, Jim
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