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  1. I tested the sample. Indeed, onAutoKill callback works correctly. Thank you! However, despite you said that autoKill is true by default, I could not see that in both current and future releases. It's not really a problem, but I just wanted to let you know. Here's a codepen. https://codepen.io/khudiiash-the-bold/pen/ExNxWKZ
  2. Hey, first time here. Love GSAP, but found an issue, not sure how to solve. In the Codepen, I recreated the problem: 1. We have a timeline that gradually autoscrolls the element. 2. We want to stop the timeline when user starts scrolling himself. 3. When the user scrolls, tweens seem to be autoKilling, but then the timeline continues to play. Therefore, we need to stop the timeline. 4. For this purpose, we want to use onAutoKill callback (seen in the docs). However, it does not fire at all. In my actual project, i detected when the user is scrolling and tried to stop the timeline this way, but even after killing/pausing the timeline or all its tweens, the timeline continued to play each tween until the end.
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