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Femme Fatale Studio

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  1. Hi, I am working on a project using the DrawSVGPlugin, and using native JS that's compiled with gulp and webpack. I'm importing gsap and the plugin as such : import gsap, { TimelineLite} from 'gsap'; import * as drawSVG from '../gsap-extras/DrawSVGPlugin.js'; and the registering the plugin in the constructor of my component's class using : gsap.registerPlugin(drawSVG); Then, I simply want to test the plugin doing something like : new TimelineLite().set([this.anchorCircles, this.anchorFillCircles], { drawSVG: 0 }); This is actually working as long my gulp server is watching the changes and displaying the development JS, but after running a build, I'm able to log the drawSVG imported, but the TimeLine().set wont have any effect on my elements. I can't provide my gulp config if this is needed, but may be there's something simpler that I am missing here.. Thank you EDIT: // Finally found that the way the webpack was configured prevented the minified plugin to work. I had to change the webpack babili plugin to webpack minify plugin !
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