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  1. Thanks!! I understand now, I had trying the parent section, but not a container element Thank you a lot
  2. Hi guys, i'll try to make me understand How can i remove that white space under the scrolled item? I don't know if more information is required, please let me know. I can't acheive it and it's stressing me me out, really bad. Thanks in advance!
  3. Cagaste! manda teléfono y te molesto en directo mejor! ahahahha abrazo
  4. Thanks a lot guys! I fixed the issue adding a callback on the timeline animation, it seems to works A Pen by Pablo Correa Alcalde (codepen.io) [ One last question, to close the topic what should I do? Or just leave it ] Thanks again!
  5. Thanks for the reply guys! For some reason when I add that lines the splitText vanishes. I mean doesn't makes the inital split. When I started developing this I included exactly what you put there, also tried with split() I thought there was something wrong with that function, but it seems to be another problem, if on codepen it works correctly Thanks again
  6. Thanks for the tips. I created a demo on codepen A Pen by Pablo Correa Alcalde (codepen.io) (I hope I have embedded it correctly) It's a project in which they work with jQuery, so I have to adapt to it. My question is how to include a split() when a window resize is performed, so you don't see cut sentences. I speak Spanish, so sorry for my English. I hope you understand what I'm looking for, thank you very much for the answers
  7. Im new with Gsap and i'm tryng to figure out how it works correctly. I made this function for each .bluebox $('.bluebox').each(function() { var bluebox = $(this), blueboxMiniTitulo = bluebox.find('.mini_titulo'), blueboxTitulo = bluebox.find('.titulo'), blueboxIntro = bluebox.find('.intro'), blueboxBoton = bluebox.find('.botonWrap'); var blueboxTituloSplit= new SplitText(blueboxTitulo, { type: "lines"}); var blueboxTituloLine = blueboxTituloSplit.lines; var blueboxIntroSplit= new SplitText(blueboxIntro, { type: "lines" }); var blueboxIntroLine = blueboxIntroSplit.lines; var blueboxAni = gsap.timeline({defaults:{y:100, opacity:0, duration:1, ease: Power3.easeOut}}) .paused(true) .from(blueboxMiniTitulo,{}) .from(blueboxTituloLine,{ stagger:.1}) .from(blueboxIntroLine,{ stagger:.1}) .from(blueboxBoton,{opacity:0}); ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger:bluebox, start:"top 95%", toggleActions:"play none none none", animation:blueboxAni.play() }) }); the problem that i'm looking to try to fix is if the window is resize, I want the split element re split, without triggering the scrollText animation again Any suggestion, please? Thanks in advance
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