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Dimitris Sarmis

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Everything posted by Dimitris Sarmis

  1. Hello everyone, I am new to GSAP and i wanted to ask the proper way to sync animations. In my project, all elements are created dynamically. All the elements are lists of 5 to 20 items and all of them have a pagination effect with staggering. I start hiding the items(hideThisPage), then i fadeIn the next page of items(showNextPage). The result is that the pagination effect (because of the staggering and the different amoun of items) does not lasts the same. So i am thinking of creating a timeline in each of the elements, and immediately pausing it. Then i will create a "master" element that will be the main timeline and it will add all the elements timeline to it at the position 0. Is this way the correct one? I am a bit confused about timelines because i do understand that it is powerful in sequencing animations, but i am not sure of the proper way to "initialize" an animation but do not start it yet. Apart from the Docs, is there any nice, recent book/tutorial you suggest about GSAP?
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