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Tezah Zulueta

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  1. Hi @OSUblake, Yes click is working but in tablet it needs to click twice before the event trigger
  2. Hi, Is it possible to have two eventlistener to trigger an action in gsap? like click on desktop and touch on mobile or tablet? I have this code but for some reason it doesn't work. for (let i = 0; i < clickableDots.length; i++) { linesNarrowDummy[i].addEventListener("touchstart click", slideAnim); linesNarrowDummy[i].setAttribute("index", i); linesNarrowDummy[i].setAttribute("class", dateDots); clickableDots[i].addEventListener("touchstart click", slideAnim); clickableDots[i].setAttribute("index", i); clickableDots[i].setAttribute("class", dateDots); next[i].addEventListener("touchstart click", slideAnim); back[i].addEventListener("touchstart click", slideAnim); }
  3. Hi @Shrug ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, yes sorry I didn't attach the codepen earlier and new on creating topics here. Thank you. I've change a couple of codes earlier it help fix the delay with Safari and Firefox but now Chrome gets buggy. Here's the code I change tlLinesDotsMaster .add("play-all") .to( ".all-starts-here", { autoAlpha: 0, display: "none", duration: 0.5, ease: "ease" }, "play-all" ) .to( "#graph-narrow", { duration: 0.7, morphSVG: "#graph-wide" }, "play-all" ) .add(tlDots, "play-all") .add(tlLines, "play-all", 0);
  4. Hi @Shrug ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, I'm working on Macbook Pro 16 inches, it happens when you click the button and the graph expanding. there's a huge delay with lines, dots and graph. It works perfectly with Chrome but not in Safari and Firefox.
  5. Hi @Shrug ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, I put the code in codepen, I can't figure out why it doesn't work smoothly in all browser I'm just a newbie in GSAP https://codepen.io/tezahzulueta-the-looper/pen/dyoQPdw
  6. Hi, I created interactive graph using GSAP but for some reason when I check it in Safari and Firefox there's been a delay in morphing of the graph. Please see codepen. Hope you can help me. Thank you!
  7. I created a interactive graph using GSAP but for some reason it doesn't play well in all browser, is it possible to run a different GSAP code in different browser?
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