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Everything posted by rhcarlosweb

  1. Thanks Zach! So, i have tried do with only a timeline({repeat: -1}) too but without sucess, because when the first item with class " -first" is removed, i add to the next row the class "-first" again to try repeat the effect to do the same first animation, but seems gsap don't catch the new item with class "-first" Have a better way with can i do this effect without setInterval? Like with "repeat: -1" to repeat animation every time? Here another pen i have maded trying do with repeat option only https://codepen.io/rhcarlosweb/pen/qBdJeWx The first row don't fadeOut ?
  2. Hello, i'm days trying to do this effect with gsap, but unfortunately without success, i maded a code trying to do the effect But i was think how can i made this only with gsap.timeline() and repeat I need to remove always the first row of table, with animation and add another new row inside tbody with animation too, so the others items gonna up Can someone help me with some tip? I don't know how is name of this effect to search ? Thanks!
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