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About pirco

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  1. I want the toggleClass config to fire in a staggered fashion. perhaps I can try a delay for each. I'll check batch method again. thank you!
  2. is it possible to stagger a toggleClass? I tried this const icons = gsap.utils.toArray('.icon-box-border'); icons.forEach((icon, i) => { gsap.from(icon, { scrollTrigger: { start: 'top 66%', end: 'bottom top', trigger: icon, toggleClass: 'icon-box-animated', stagger: 0.15, markers: true } }); }); and this but I'm sure I"m doing something wrong const icons = gsap.utils.toArray('.icon-box-border'); icons.forEach((icon, i) => { gsap.from(icon, { scrollTrigger: { start: 'top 66%', end: 'bottom top', trigger: icon, toggleClass: 'icon-box-animated' markers: true }, stagger: 0.15 }); });
  3. that is EXACTLY how I assumed it would work. this is fantastic, Jack. Thank you. you could replace that demo with your new one
  4. now it all makes sense! thank you
  5. the demo for anchor links to sections isn't quite working for me. assuming that the individual menu items in the nav should highlight according to the section being displayed in the viewport, only the first and second menu item get highlighted but the second menu item stays highlighted when you keep scrolling. even when you use the anchor links to scroll to sections 3, 4 and 5. this is in chrome 105 and safari 15 on mac. or is it just me? greensock_scrolltriger_anchor_links_demo.mov
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