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Greg Stager

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Everything posted by Greg Stager

  1. The solution to this ended up being very simple. Even though previewing worked fine, running a published local or published internal server copy would not function. I needed to put it out on the web in order for it to work. That is good news but burdensome nonetheless because I am not a web admin - I am a content developer and build learning interactions so I don't have website admin rights - gotta wait for someone to upload for me and then I can test them. I am excited, though, to see that I can get Captivate and Greensock working together. Now that the proof of concept is made - I can petition for the business license. Wish me luck!
  2. Thanks, Zach Sorry - Just hoping someone here might have experienced the same thing. I think the issue only affects retrieving data as the animation works without fail. What I really need is a colleague to sit beside me for 20 min in order to see it firsthand and bounce ideas back and forth. Downside of being a "one-man-band". I can't figure out why it is looking for this directory literally named 'undefined' in the first place. This only comes up when publishing with this animation in the project. Something is triggering creation of this reference. Ugh. I can post any additional info as might be helpful. I will certainly post a resolution if it is discovered. In the meantime, I will just leave this right here and see if there are any nibbles. #fishing
  3. Going out on a limb here perhaps with this one but I will take any advice I can get. I used Greensock to create an animation and uploaded it as an HTML5 Animation into Captivate Captivate places these animations into the published product as an iframe. When I do a preview - it behaves as expected and pulling data from the iframe works as well. When I publish, however, the animation itself works fine but the data is no longer accessible. The file (the HTML embedded iframe one) becomes "restricted" and is labeled as a cross-origin document. The file is dropped into a /wor/wo_xxxx folder and seems like it should be part of the same domain so I am struggling to find my way around this puzzle. The console returns an ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND about an "undefined" directory. I am simply not finding the source/solution of this issue. I realize this may require a Captivate solution so I have posted my question in the forums there as well. It was actually in those forums that I first learned about Greensock so I know others are using it with Captivate.
  4. Sorry the big wait between posts - I was away at a seminar the last couple days and was not at my desk working on this. I have tried a number of things based on what I have found in the forums. Getting this close to working in the codepen was not easy either - I ended up browsing other codepens to find the right combination of files to load so the dragging would work. I want the div below the knob to update with the current degree value. I've tried using gsap.getProperty("#simKnob","rotation"); because that worked when I typed it in the console but it always comes up as undefined when I try to use it in the code directly. I must be missing out on how to properly access it. I have tried it both in and out of functions - ugh. So in my updateBox function I simply put a value of 120, which works, but I want that to dynamically grab the current degree value of the knob position and update the box - I am just having trouble finding out how to grab that data. Hopefully this codepen shows up. I used the Greensock knob URL for the example - I hope that is OK https://codepen.io/Arelwynn/pen/abOWPRb
  5. I am energized by the possibilities that Greensock has to offer and am enjoying playing around. One of the things I have struggled with today is trying to store a property value as a variable that I can use elsewhere. I made a knob that rotates in 30 degree increments and is limited between -120 and +120 degrees. It works great! What I am trying to do now is to grab the degree value that corresponds to the knob position. I researched the forums and found a solution to this. Using the console - I can use gsap.getProperty("#simKnob", "rotation"); This responds great! with a value such as 60. I can also - through the console - set this to a variable. var output = gsap.getProperty("#simKnob", "rotation"); Then I can simply type the variable name in the console and it will respond with 60 as I expect. However, if I try to set the variable in my source file instead of the console - it fails. I must be missing something. Any ideas on how to grab that value? I will figure out how to make a CodePen thing later if needed.
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