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Vineeth Achari

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Everything posted by Vineeth Achari

  1. Hi Steve, when i scroll the sections, pin or sticky is not working, the section has to be stuck and the content and image only has to move upward. thats not happening. If i scroll the content right side image section should be keep change. Here's the updated link. https://codepen.io/vineethachari/pen/NWyQOOb Much Appreciate your help!
  2. I have tried this https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/WNZqKOM this is not working in my source code. Could you please help? https://codepen.io/vineethachari/pen/gOvNJZM
  3. On my new site, I'm trying to create a team section with image transitions along with right side scrolling text. I'm wondering if you could point me in the right direction.
  4. Hey, How to create a menu nav using tween as attached
  5. Could you please let me know how to add smooth scroll in this page? https://codepen.io/projectbios/pen/ExbMXxo
  6. Hi , Have updated with 'pin' 'end' etc. Still extra height is there... Here's the code for your reference. // JavaScript Document gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger, ScrollSmoother); // create the smooth scroller FIRST! let smoother = ScrollSmoother.create({ smooth: 2, // seconds it takes to "catch up" to native scroll position effects: true, // look for data-speed and data-lag attributes on elements and animate accordingly smoothTouch: 0.1, normalizeScroll: true, ignoreMobileResize: true, pin: true, end: '+=4000' });
  7. I would like to make a similar text animation using GreenSock. Can you please suggest how I could achieve that? https://motionarray.com/after-effects-templates/logo-super-stompy-770993/ Also, if I remove the height 4000px from #smooth-content. I'm not getting the actual height of the web page. If I keep 4000px, how can I remove this extra space after the footer.
  8. Would this be compatible with Bootstrap?
  9. Hey, If anyone please suggest very similar parallax scroll animation plugin as follows it will very help for me. https://largo.studio/ Much appreciate your help.
  10. Hi, Is there any plugin related to below mobile menu? https://codyhouse.co/demo/rounded-animated-navigation/index.html#0
  11. Hi Mikel,

    Hope you are doing good. For the following URL, the slide scrolling is not happening in mobile device. Could you please help me how can i rectify this on mobile devices?


  12. How to create a ScrollJacking (Fullscreen page scroll) effect like Huge. https://www.hugeinc.com/
  13. Please help me regarding this...
  14. Hi Guys, Does anyone know how to do cards stacked and scrolling up one by one using with Transform Matrix? Please see the example.
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