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Everything posted by JasonD

  1. That is great Craig, not beyond, need all the practice I can get. Made a goal to get good at this library in 2021. Bookmarked your site, and doing the Greensock Coding club stuff right now.
  2. Awesome guys...thank you so much. I"m just learning about the motion path.
  3. I want the plumb circle to go around the black circle...what did I miss?
  4. ? = " ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ "
  5. JasonD

    GSAP and Svelte

    hey, cool. Not a specific question per se.
  6. JasonD

    GSAP and Svelte

    I know it's new, but dang it seems like the perfect marriage with GSAP. Clean, small and simple. Would love to see some blog posts on how to bring these two together in powerful ways.
  7. JasonD

    GSAP for React

    Really glad GreenSock is doing so well. Thanks for your responses.
  8. JasonD

    GSAP for React

    I'm sure I'll catch some heat for this, but I'm a little worried about GSAP in the future and if I'll even reach for it anymore. The biggest change has been FramerMotion for React. Making it SUPER EASY to bring animation into a react project. I can see myself reaching less and less for GSAP in the future. Many FED's have never even heard of GSAP these days. While I love the new ScrollTrigger plugin, it feels like this might be the last breath for this library. Now, I get it. The old guard is probably rolling their eyes at this post, but for those of us just swinging around to React, finding high quality React + GSAP tutorials is pretty rare. Couple that with FramerMotion right now. (Which is EVERYWHERE) and the ease and power that comes with it, and this post feels timely. When the GreenSock crew was announcing something big, this was actually what I was hoping for. I'm not ungrateful for ScrollTrigger - it's exciting, but imagine...again, sorry - I don't work for these guys - FramerMotion offering a ScrollTrigger in their library for React. Yikes. Anyway, I would love to hear if there are plans for this sort of thing in the future. Thanks in advance
  9. Thanks I get it, but it should be easier than this. Thanks for the cleanup and explanation.
  10. weird, I thought my code said if TRUE play, else Reverse.
  11. Bananas! having a tough time with something simple. I 'JUST WANT TO REVERSE THE MENU'. https://codesandbox.io/s/great-dream-vt4wb I feel like line 25 should do all the heavy lifting. What am I missing here?
  12. hey, that works for me, thanks!
  13. react-gsap? or just the import gsap into the project ? (npm gsap) What are the benefits of one vs the other?
  14. JasonD

    pointer and svg

    I just . wanted to say thank you. I like how you also made me code my solution instead of 'just telling me' what to do.
  15. JasonD

    pointer and svg

    I don't have a codepen url but if you hit my netlify link you can see this in action. https://affectionate-yalow-6ca8ab.netlify.com/ When you try and hit the close button, the X part actually doesn't work. you have to click on the grey parts. What's the move? **Click on a region and the button shows up under the roof.
  16. parentNode Worked! Thank you so much.
  17. I'll try these out and get back to you guys. I'll share what I can. I have some more svg questions. The biggest pertaining to the hit points or pointer issues on an svg I'm using.
  18. Thank you for your response. 1. I wish I could stop supporting IE11, it's not dead in the GOV. sector however, in fact, that probably makes up the 2%. I'll have to support it for years to come. 2. With respect towards the anchor tag, I put it there to make that section keyboard selectable, unless you know of a way to make svg's keyboard selectable, it makes total sense to use it. Doesn't help me get past the fact that if I use an inline svg that ie11 can't read the data inside...I posted here, because GSAP users use SVG more than most developers.
  19. Hi Gang, I'm having an issue accessing attributes or elements inside of an SVG with events and react. I know that sounds like a lot of moving parts. 1. If I have an svg in an image tag, and wrap it with an anchor tag, I can access elements just fine. IE11 sees this just fine. However, if I embed the inline svg inside the anchor tag, IE11 can't read anything on the anchor or in the svg. I have to use event.target.parentElement...which breaks down in ie11. Thoughts on this?
  20. Thanks, these are good places to start, though I'm not a total beginner. I just hadn't "needed" it in a long time . ( I was a former flash developer in the old days and recently found my way back. It's been totally fun to get back. I've watched the Drasner Front End Masters course, but looking to find where the community hangs out. Is there a discord channel? Zach's channel looks like it's recently transitioned from Animate CC to GSAP. I'm curious as to why I don't see an explosion in GSAP/React courses, or channels. Seems like the marriage is good. I LOVE GSAP.
  21. Hi, just wondering what the BEST sites are for learning and keeping up with GSAP are? Thanks in advance - Jason
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