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Posts posted by joris-rotteveel

  1. Hi team,


    I made an infinite scroll with scrolltrigger and pretty stoked with the result.

    Could someone perhaps shed a thought on how I could add scroll to certain ypos positions and adhering the loop.

    For example, if I have scrolled up to 0.9 percent, and I want to scroll (via code) to , say 0.2 percent. Ideally I don't want to animate the scroll backwards ( so from 0.9, 0.89,0.7,0.6....0.2) but keep going forward,( so 0.9.,0.95,0.99,LOOP,0.1....0.2)


    Is this even feasible?

    See the Pen poZrdXe by joris-rotteveel (@joris-rotteveel) on CodePen

  2. Not a question but observation.

    I have my bonus files as .tgz file in my repo and I reference this in my package.json :

    "gsap": "./utils/gsap-bonus.tgz",


    this should be the latest download (as of today v3.9).

    "npm install" results in (package-lock.json):

    "node_modules/gsap": {
    "version": "3.9.0",
    "resolved": "file:utils/gsap-bonus.tgz",
    "integrity": "sha512-8cZp2/l9gBdFzI7Dpojh8tVPRDFivowSX8N3jl42zecPv8SXdysx4GrJcwVJz4Bl/pamFZdi17s85m4Bq5/pcQ==",
    "license": "This package should only be used by individuals/companies with an active Club GreenSock membership. See https://greensock.com/club/. Licensing: https://greensock.com/licensing/"

    now, when I remove the node modules and package-lock files and use yarn:

      version "3.8.0"
      resolved "./utils/gsap-bonus.tgz#96ea3244b12c370e8ea3facb2ff28840a90a40a4"

    As you can see.....wrong integrity and wrong version number!


    Not sure why this is happening, but that is causing some issues until I change the hash and version manually in the yarn.lock file.



  3. @OSUblake, I have been digging a bit deeper in your helper function as I wanted the "snap" function to snap to the center of the screen. During my "debugging/understandng" of your provided solution, I got a little confused why, if the snap function returns a static number, say 40, it keeps snapping 40 pixels from the last drag position? I was expecting this to always snap to 40px. 


    Are there any tips you could share to make the slide snap to the center (or any other arbitrary number)?

    I've created a fork that shows you the 40px snap being accumulated.


    See the Pen jOYEjxz by joris-rotteveel (@joris-rotteveel) on CodePen


  4. After looking at Blake's solution, I used his approach off creating a Draggable on a "proxy" and called a custom update function on the appropriate callbacks (onDrag/onThrowUpdate). The InertiaPlugin.track gave me the current speed of the Draggable and I could use that as the input for my custom function.


    Thanks Blake!



    • Like 1
  5. Hi everyone,


    I have made a looping tween that can be updated via scrollwheel. Ideally I'd like to integrate  a Draggable too, so on a tablet users can drag it around (scroll isn't an option).


    What I did (see codepen) is abstract the update into a function so hopefully I can reuse it with a Draggable integration. Unfortunately, I could use a few hints/tips on how to get a draggable integrated. (the images need to be clickable, so a Proxy is prob not going to work?) because I can't really think of any.


    Your help is much appreciated!

    See the Pen zYPVBjw?editors=1100 by joris-rotteveel (@joris-rotteveel) on CodePen

  6. Hi everyone,


    I am trying to do something very basic, but I can't get my head around it. I have a `content` div and a `footer` div. Once the `content` div's bottom reaches the center of the screen, I'd like to pin it and have the footer scroll over the top of the content. 

    My pen shows weird spacing between the footer and the content, and ideally it should stop scrolling when the bottom of the footer hits the bottom of the viewport. With my attempt, the footer keeps scrolling causing a white gap at the bottom.


    I've had a look at 

    See the Pen KKpLdWW by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

     but that only works with 100vh sections. 

    Any help is appreciated!





    See the Pen wvqWQox by joris-rotteveel (@joris-rotteveel) on CodePen

  7. Hi guys,


    I am using webpack as the tool to compile my JS.  ScrollTrigger works amazing in the local dev setup, no errors. Unfortunately, when I run the `yarn build` command, the production code logs a warning

    Invalid property scrollTrigger set to {trigger: ".pSection", scrub: true} Missing plugin? gsap.registerPlugin()

    The issue is that it IS registered, and it's working fine in dev mode. This is the exact example as on your codepen 


    import { gsap } from "gsap";
    import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/ScrollTrigger.js";
    gsap.to(".pContent", {
      yPercent: -100,
      ease: "none",
      scrollTrigger: {
        trigger: ".pSection",
        // start: "top bottom", // the default values
        // end: "bottom top",
        scrub: true,
    gsap.to(".pImage", {
      yPercent: 50,
      ease: "none",
      scrollTrigger: {
        trigger: ".pSection",
        // start: "top bottom", // the default values
        // end: "bottom top",
        scrub: true,



    Steps to reproduce:

    I have used custom and the official facebook starterkit and they both have the same issue.

    npx create-react-app scrolltrigger
    • open INDEX.JS
    • remove all code (we don't want any react there anyway)
    • paste following code:
      import "./index.css";
      import { gsap } from "gsap";
      import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/ScrollTrigger.js";
      gsap.to(".pContent", {
        yPercent: -100,
        ease: "none",
        scrollTrigger: {
          trigger: ".pSection",
          // start: "top bottom", // the default values
          // end: "bottom top",
          scrub: true,
      gsap.to(".pImage", {
        yPercent: 50,
        ease: "none",
        scrollTrigger: {
          trigger: ".pSection",
          // start: "top bottom", // the default values
          // end: "bottom top",
          scrub: true,
    • run yarn (or npm) start , everything works fine, no errors
    • run yarn build , (run the code that's in the build folder. e.g. 
      python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8812
    • Now you'll see errors



    I am not sure how this is happening, happy to help if you have any clues....


    Attached the zip with all the filesscrolltrigger.zip






    P.S I have tried setting the name as per 

    , but that's not allowed and won't compile. 

    See the Pen JjYPQpN by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

  8. Thanks for spotting that error, updated the pen.


    I will abandon the Proxy approach, it is clearly not  the right approach when dealing with regular DOM elements 🤦‍♂️. It will come in handy  when dealing  canvas/webgl and Draggable.


    Thanks for the reply!

    • Like 1
  9. Hi guys,


    looking at the docs (https://greensock.com/docs/v3/Plugins/Draggable), setting either


    or adding the data attribute on the HTML element you want to be clickable


    would make the browsers default behaviour take precedence. However, using the proxy approach, the draggable is only an empty div.

    Are there best practises on making children clickable in this case? 


    One solution that came to mind was to find the closest element based on it's x/y position and the click x/y , but hopefully there is a smarter way of doing this?


    See the Pen jOPMdKL by joris-rotteveel (@joris-rotteveel) on CodePen

  10. Hi guys,


    is it possible to animate a Draggable with a tween and still respect it's container bounds?

    When dragging the red rectangle, you can't drag it past the grey boundary. But if I am tweening it, how would I make it respect those boundaries? Is there an API call I need to do, or would I manually need to check wether the new x-position is outside the boundaries?


    Ideally I'd like to be able to animate it outside the boundaries, but once complete it would react like when you stop dragging , it animates back within it's bounds.




    See the Pen YzPbJxw by joris-rotteveel (@joris-rotteveel) on CodePen

  11. For anyone who is still in doubt wether or not they should get a subscription, this issue was reported and solved within the hour! Great service and very knowledgeable people on the forum. 


    Thanks for the explanation and help guys. 


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    • Thanks 2
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