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  1. Thanks for the reply, I am using the flvPlayback component. I also do have a scrub bar code for TimelineMAX, I just can't seem to marry them together. Using playheadPercentage() is fine but I would like to move the play head using seconds, not a percentage only because my scrub bar for TimelineMax uses Seconds to navigate the timeline. Here is my TimelineMax Scrub bar code - slider.minimum = 0; //where the slider starts slider.maximum = myTimeline.totalDuration; //where the slider ends slider.liveDragging = true; //allows you to drag the slider slider.snapInterval = 0.1; //sets points distance on the slider bar, if you remove this is deafults to whole seconds - Try It! slider.addEventListener(SliderEvent.THUMB_DRAG, thumbDragHandler); function thumbDragHandler(e:SliderEvent):void { myTimeline.gotoAndStop(e.value); //Allows you to move the slider pointer and will go to the point in your timeline that matches the value of the slider bar position }//using gotoAndStop ensure the timeline doesn't continue while you have the slider pointer held down slider.addEventListener(SliderEvent.THUMB_RELEASE, thumbReleaseHandler); function thumbReleaseHandler(e:SliderEvent):void { myTimeline.resume();//This will resume the timeline once you let go of the pointer } this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateSlider); function updateSlider(event:Event):void { slider.value = myTimeline.currentTime;//This is the clever bit that makes sure the pointer moves along the slider as your timeilne plays }
  2. Hi, I am looking to create a scrub bar that can control a FLV Stream and a timeline created with TimelineMax. My FLV sits on a Flash media server. Can anyone point me in right direction? Thanks
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