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Everything posted by IzeB

  1. Ok, would be nice to understand the math behind getting a perfect circle in "Z" direction. I realize it's not "real" 3D, it's a combination of movement in x direction and zoom in/out alpha and blur.If I try changing any of the values it goes bezerk, or should I say bezierk Another approach would be if I could load the "ring of logos" as an external MC, but with me being new AS3 I wouldn't know how. I could then move this clip in any direction like in Old flash (nested animation levels). Any ideas?
  2. I didn't create AS this but I'm trying to modify it. It's a set of logos that looks/simulates like they rotate in 3d. I'm resizing the stage to a landscape from standing format. I just want to move the entire group of logos to center them to the stage, and may also widen the circle a bit. Been messing with this params but there's heavy math involved to get a smooth and natural looking motion. private var posX:Array = new Array(0,170,122,42,-60); private var posY:Array = new Array(215,215,215,215,215); private var bezierX:Array = new Array(140,150,82,0,-80); private var bezierY:Array = new Array(216,215,215,215,220); Isn't there a global global parameter somewhere to set the "centerpoint" of the entire rotate? Entire code here: package banner { import com.greensock.TweenLite; import com.greensock.TweenMax; import com.greensock.easing.Expo; import com.greensock.easing.Linear; import com.greensock.plugins.BlurFilterPlugin; import com.greensock.plugins.TweenPlugin; import com.squarelabs.display.Box; import com.squarelabs.document.Library; import flash.display.Bitmap; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.MouseEvent; import flash.net.URLRequest; import flash.net.navigateToURL; public class Banner480 extends Sprite { private var background:Bitmap; private var header1:Sprite; private var header2:Sprite; private var logo1:Sprite; private var logo2:Sprite; private var logo3:Sprite; private var logo4:Sprite; private var logo5:Sprite; private var posX:Array = new Array(0,170,122,42,-60); private var posY:Array = new Array(215,215,215,215,215); private var bezierX:Array = new Array(140,150,82,0,-80); private var bezierY:Array = new Array(216,215,215,215,220); private var logoAlpha:Array = new Array(1,0.75,0.5,0.5,0.75); private var logoBlur:Array = new Array(0,3,6,6,3); private var logoScale:Array = new Array(1,0.5,0.25,0.25,0.5); private var logoArray:Array = new Array(); private var clickArea : Box; private var container : Box; private var mymask : Box; public function Banner480() { TweenPlugin.activate([blurFilterPlugin]); container = new Box(480, 250, 0x000000, 1); addChild(container); background = Library.createBitmap("background"); // background = Library.createBitmap("dummy200"); container.addChild(background); header1 = Library.createSprite("header1"); header1.y=24; header1.alpha=0; container.addChild(header1); header2 = Library.createSprite("header2"); header2.y=98; header2.alpha=0; container.addChild(header2); logo1 = Library.createSprite("logo1"); logo2 = Library.createSprite("logo2"); logo3 = Library.createSprite("logo3"); logo4 = Library.createSprite("logo4"); logo5 = Library.createSprite("logo5"); logo1.alpha=logo2.alpha=logo3.alpha=logo4.alpha=logo5.alpha=0; container.addChild(logo5); container.addChild(logo4); container.addChild(logo3); container.addChild(logo2); container.addChild(logo1); logoArray.push(logo1); logoArray.push(logo2); logoArray.push(logo3); logoArray.push(logo4); logoArray.push(logo5); mymask = new Box(480, 250, 0xFF0000, 1); addChild(mymask); container.mask = mymask; clickArea = new Box(480, 250, 0xFF0000, 0); clickArea.buttonMode=true; clickArea.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick); addChild(clickArea); TweenLite.to(header1,1,{alpha:1, ease:Expo.easeOut}); TweenLite.to(header2,1,{alpha:1, delay:0.5, ease:Expo.easeOut}); for (var i:Number = 0; i < 5; i++) { var s:Sprite; s = logoArray; s.alpha=logoAlpha; s.scaleX = s.scaleY =logoScale; s.x=posX; s.y=posY; TweenLite.to(s,0,{blurFilter:{blurX:2*logoBlur}}); } startBannerRotation(); } function getClickTag():String{ for (var key:String in root.loaderInfo.parameters) if(key.toLowerCase()=="clicktag") return root.loaderInfo.parameters[key]; return ""; } private function onClick(event : MouseEvent) : void { navigateToURL(new URLRequest(getClickTag()),"_blank"); trace("click"); } private function startBannerRotation() : void { logoArray.push(logoArray.shift()); for (var i:Number = 0; i < 5; i++) { var s:Sprite; s = logoArray; if (i==0) container.setChildIndex(s,container.numChildren-1); /* TweenLite.to(s,2,{ alpha:logoAlpha, scaleX:logoScale, scaleY:logoScale, x:posX, y:posY, blurFilter:{blurX:2*logoBlur}, ease:Expo.easeOut}); */ TweenMax.to(s,2,{ alpha:logoAlpha, bezierThrough:[{x:bezierX, y:bezierY} ,{x:posX,y:posY}], scaleX:logoScale, scaleY:logoScale, blurFilter:{blurX:logoBlur,blurY:logoBlur}, ease:Linear.easeNone } ); } TweenLite.to(this,2,{onComplete:startBannerRotation}); } } } Thanks in advance
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