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Everything posted by Lucju04

  1. How what a welcome Of course Greensok is exciting ! I'm starting slowly but already love it Thanks for you answer, and you readings advise, I think I can move forward with these.
  2. Hi everybody, I'm very beginner with GreenSocks (and super excited by all GS allow to make ^^), but I would like to start with good practices. You can see the first animation I made in my code pen, so I would like to know if it's possible to write the follow animation code in a better way. Are we obliged to have 3 gsap methods to animate three objects or is it possible to make all the animation in one function ? gsap.to (".first", { delay: 0.2, duration: 2, y: 300, repeat: -10, yoyo: true } ); gsap.to (".second", { delay: 0.2, duration: 1, y: -100, repeat: -1, yoyo: true } ); gsap.to (".third", { delay: 0.2, duration: 1.5, y: 150, repeat: -1, yoyo: true } ); PS: i'm also interested by a good tutorial to understand motionPathPlugin... So.. Feel free to share ! Thanks in advance ;)
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