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  1. Thanks, it works correctly. Is it possible that the effect is also done when leaving? Don't let me combine staggerTo and staggerFrom
  2. Where specifically is it 'on load'? in the init function? I put it and it doesn't work even the slide Do I have to remove this? const nextText = nextPage.querySelector (". details h1"); .fromTo (nextText, 0.3, {opacity: 0, y: 0}, {opacity: 1, y: 0} https://codepen.io/df4fgg/pen/GRgLZom
  3. It does not work for me. Here is my slide. I can't make the (.destails h1) splitText https://codepen.io/df4fgg/pen/GRgLZom
  4. Hi, I have this part of a slide code: function nextSlide(pageNumber) { const nextPage = pages[pageNumber]; const currentPage = pages[current]; const nextText = nextPage.querySelector("h1"); const tl = new TimelineMax({ onStart: function() { slides.forEach(slide => { slide.style.pointerEvents = "none"; }); }, onComplete: function() { slides.forEach(slide => { slide.style.pointerEvents = "all"; }); } }); tl.fromTo( currentPage, 0.3, { opacity: 1, pointerEvents: "all" }, { opacity: 0, pointerEvents: "none" } ) .fromTo( nextPage, 0.3, { opacity: 0, pointerEvents: "none" }, { opacity: 1, pointerEvents: "all" }, "-=0.6" ) fromTo(nextText, 0.3, { opacity: 0, y: 0 }, { opacity: 1, y: 0 }); current = pageNumber; } And I don't know how to implement a splitText in 'h1' (nexText) like here: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/aVJRBg In particular, I don't know how to make these two parts combine: const nextText = nextPage.querySelector ("h1"); and var mySplitText = new SplitText ("# quote", {type: "chars, words, lines"})
  5. How could I create a ".activate div" to change attributes with gsap?
  6. Is there any way to animate the text 'Lorem' with splitText on this slide? I can't do it.
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