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  1. Hello again, when I am reversing the timeLine, is there any possibility, how to reverse just a part of it? Or do I have to not to append (insert) on a timelime tweens that I dont wanna reverse? Thank u! Tina
  2. GREAT! It works perfectly, u absolutely solved my problem, thank u very much!! The only exception is that I wasn't able to call the method timeline.clear() in the constructor of the timeline. I had to call a method clearTimeline() which contains the method timeline.clear() public var timeline:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite({onReverseComplete:clearTimeline}); private function clearTimeine():void { timeline.clear(); } Is there any reason that came to your mind, why doens't it work the way u wrote first? Thanks in advance
  3. Hey, I've got troubles with my timeline. I inserted some tweenlites on it and I need to delete the last one. timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(redPanel, 0.5, { width:260, x: -365} )); timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(blackPanel, 0.5, { width:470, x: 0 } )); timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(whitePanel, 0.5, { width:260, x: 365 } )); timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(redPanelTitle, 0.5, { x: -380, alpha:0 } )); timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(redPanelText, 0.5, { x: -450, alpha:0 } )); timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(blackPanelTitle, 0.5, { x: -90, alpha:0 } )); timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(blackPanelText, 0.5, { x: -190, alpha:0 } )); timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(whitePanelTitle, 0.5, { x: 330, alpha:0 } )); timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(whitePanelText, 0.5, { x: 280, alpha:0 } )); timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(blackPanel, 0.5, { y : 100, scaleY: 0.6, delay: 0.5 } )); I need to reverse it back and then clear the timeline, but when I use this timeline.reverse(); timeline.clear(); the clear is done in the same time as reverse, so reverse is not done. How to do that? Thanks for answers I
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