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Ash Williams

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Everything posted by Ash Williams

  1. Thanks for the quick response: I forgot to tell you about another step before the random bezier, but I think I figured out. The square needs to have a short animation on start. Like you said, the trick is .set the position after the animation, to have a starting point for the bezier! Here the codepen: https://codepen.io/ashwilliams1992/pen/JjoOagN Thanks
  2. Hi everyone, I have a simple problem to solve ( I'm sure that's something dum ): I have some points as bezier curve, and I'm animating a Svg along that path. This is the code: let flyMove = new TimelineMax({ ease: Linear.easeNone, repeat: -1, paused: true }); flyMove.to("#" + id, 12, { ease: Linear.easeNone, bezier: { values: [ { x: startPointX, y: startPointY }, { x: randomMove(xLimitMin, xLimitMax), y: randomMove(yLimitMin, yLimitMax) }, { x: randomMove(xLimitMin, xLimitMax), y: randomMove(yLimitMin, yLimitMax) }, { x: randomMove(xLimitMin, xLimitMax), y: randomMove(yLimitMin, yLimitMax) }, { x: randomMove(xLimitMin, xLimitMax), y: randomMove(yLimitMin, yLimitMax) }, { x: randomMove(xLimitMin, xLimitMax), y: randomMove(yLimitMin, yLimitMax) }, { x: randomMove(xLimitMin, xLimitMax), y: randomMove(yLimitMin, yLimitMax) }, { x: startPointX, y: startPointY } ] } }); I'm trying to figure it out why the svg doesn't start again at the same point: can you help me? Thanks in advance, Simone
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