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  1. In a perfect world, the wedge wouldn't need to shrink... (drawing a fixed circle around the wedge, you'd see that it gets sucked in a bit and then finishes up at the proper distance from center.) For now, I counter with a small, simultaneous, scaling tween. Much like with morphSVG, adjusting the wedge shape repeatedly in ~20deg chunks avoids the undesirable behavior. What would be the best way to chain, say, 7 calls to change the d attribute? No "trick" is there?
  2. That's exactly what I wanted to do @GreenSock, glad I asked! (Should have done so sooner...) Thank you for the prompt reply.
  3. I have an svg with a wedge path that I'd like to shrink down to nothing for a "disappear" animation. This is the wedge path: M 550 550 L 1050 550 A 500 500 0 0 0 550 50 L 550 550 Z This is what I want the wedge path to be: M 550 550 L 904 197 A 500 500 0 0 0 904 197 L 550 550 Z The actual wedges are dynamically generated and so can cover more or less than the 90 degrees as above. I have the MorphSVG plugin, but even using the rotational type, changing the arc sweep more than ~60 degrees results in less than smooth wedge-shrinking results. What I ended up doing (and it works - hackish as it feels) - is creating an empty animation with a fixed duration that calls a setNextShape function onUpdate. The setNextShape function takes an svg wedge path and an angle adjustment and spits out a new, shrunken wedge path and replaces the original svg path. That is to say... I'm tweening the shape myself... but it's hard to nail down the timing and if it's on a lower powered device, then I fear that things might not work as expected... What's the better way to accomplish this? Is chaining MorphSVG calls with smaller angle adjustments between shapes my only other option? New here. Thank you in advance.
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