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Everything posted by dcotto

  1. thank you so much Cassie! You saved my day!
  2. i found the answer.. in the css i added: :root { --my-color: white; } then in the greensock animation i put this instead and it works tl .to ( ':root', { '--my-color': 'black'})
  3. hey cassie this was close, thank you for your response. but this doesnt change the hover color. Would you happen to know how to target the hover color?.. if we can do that then we have successfully completed our mission!
  4. https://codepen.io/doedoe-dumby/pen/eYvBMXa Hello Cassie, please take a look at my codepen URL. i am not sure why the CSS3 keyframe animation is not working in codepn but lets imagine that it is.. CTA text color should start off as black and the hover color for CTA should be RED. The issue i am having is this, if you look in the JS panel in codepen you will see my TimelineMax animation... in there you will see that we are animating 4 images to appear after about 2 seconds between each other... after frame 4 (fr4) we want our cta and hover colors to change... frame 1, frame2 & frame3 should have cta text color black and hover color red.. but the last, frame 4, the colors should change and they should be CTA text color white and Hover color black. we need to animate this Also, in the future, we would need to change the CTA Text & CTA Hover colors for frame 1 or frame 2 or frame 3 etc. how would we interject them in the code as we have written there in the codepen within those comments
  5. Hello, i am trying to change the keyframe animations color that is within '@keyframe colors' css code. if you look at my codepen.. you can see a snippet of the code i am trying to fix... bare with me if the code is not 100% accurate.. it might be a little pseudo... anyway. i am trying to target that keyframe animation called "@keyframe colors" and trying to change the property "color: #010101' to something else... using greensock how can i target that @keyframe colors" property color. thank you i am really in a bind and need help
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