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Black Ducas

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Everything posted by Black Ducas

  1. Hi at the moment the scroll controls the progress of each tweens of the timeline. Instead, after the section is pinned, I'd want that each scroll will starts each tweens. Practically: section is pinned; I scroll -> start first tween (with its progress independent from the scroll); scroll again -> start 2nd tween (with its progress independent from the scroll); and so on. How can do it? thanks https://codepen.io/gooogooo/pen/OJqdEgW
  2. Thanks @mvaneijgen I thought the Rodrigo code worked on that point, maybe something is changed from 9 years ago, my fault. I'm not understanding why the progress method doesn't update the progress bar timeline, where am I wrong? https://codepen.io/gooogooo/pen/qBvMMza
  3. Here it is https://codepen.io/gooogooo/pen/dyrqqPy?editors=1111 The error I said is on the Codepen too: Orignal topic The problem comes from this line console.log(tween.progress()) Any idea?
  4. Hi, I'm trying the quoted code. function progressBarUpdate(tween) { console.log(tween.progress()) } const tl = gsap.timeline({ delay: 1, onUpdate: progressBarUpdate, }); tl .add(animate()) .add(reveal(), 'reveal') .add(start()) The timeline itself works perfectly. I just added onUpdate: progressBarUpdate and the function, and I get this error: The problem comes from this line console.log(tween.progress()) Any idea?
  5. Hi I'm using GSAP with BarbaJS 2. I have this code function blue() { let tl = gsap.timeline() .to(".blue", {scale:2}) return tl } function pink() { let tl = gsap.timeline() .to(".pink", {rotation:360}) return tl } const master = gsap.timeline() master .call(blue, []) .call(pink, []) I'm trying to use call function in place of add but the 2 timelines start at the same time, not chaining. What could be the problem here? I read to use call when we need to pass arguments, is it true? Or we simply could use.add(blue(args)) ?
  6. But I don't want in any way GSAP to animate the properties of the class I add! I just want to add a class for other reasons not related to the GSAP animation
  7. This doesn't work anymore in GSAP v3 TweenLite.to(".green", 2, {className:"-=open"}) What's the alternative? I need to do this: gsap.timeline() .to(document.documentElement, 0, {className:"-=class-1"}) .to(el2, { translateY: '0', duration: 1.2, }) .to(document.documentElement, 0, {className:"-=class-2"})
  8. Thanks for the advice. However, I must point out that this solution also gives the previous error: for very wide viewports the image does not enter from the side but appears after a while. Right now I am trying with Google Chrome on a 4500px viewport. I hope this will help you. https://codepen.io/Federico-Manfredi/pen/BaGMOEy
  9. @mvaneijgen thanks for your improvement! I'm having hard times adding a separate animation at the end of one cycle. Check my previous post. Have you a suggestion?
  10. Hi, I've created an infinite marquee of images, it seems to work pretty well, but for large screen (for example I'm trying on screen greater than 4000px) the image that enter the screen doesn't appear in the same moment that enter the screen but after a little bit. I don't get where I'm wrong, any helps? https://codepen.io/Federico-Manfredi/pen/ZEmmQKv
  11. Yeah! It helped a lot. What means the last gapTime .set(boomWords.words, { autoAlpha: 0, stagger: gapTime }, gapTime); // <====THIS What if I had to add another animation after? Like this // Previous code, then: tl.set('.last-boom-word', { autoAlpha: 1, scale: 1.2, repeat: 3, }) It doesn't start. Here too I don't want any transition (if I use .to in place of .set it works)
  12. Here my code: https://codepen.io/gooogooo/pen/poQxqxL I need to hide a word at the end of its tween. I have to show one word per time. Word 1 appears and stays for 1s, then it disappears and Word 2 appears and stays for 1s, and so on. Without any transition between them. Is there a way? Maybe my approach is wrong? Thanks
  13. @mikel thanks, I understand but applying a letter-spacing I get too much space between the chars. I can't use this solution. Any other ideas?
  14. Hi, check the below Codepen on Safari (desktop and mobile) and look at the "f" characters: you'll see that they're cut off until the animation ends (I just took the SplitText demo to make it more clear) causing a bad jump making it buggy. Is this maybe a Gsap bug? Any way to solve it? Thanks https://codepen.io/gooogooo/pen/VwrgMJR
  15. Hi @Cassie I wanted to keep this question as simple as possibile. animateTitle function was just an example, it contains just a very simple gsap.from() tween like a fade in. It is a function that I have to use also in other contexts, like calling it outside a timeline. export const animateTitle = (element) => { gsap.from(element, {...}); // Fade in animation on the passed element }
  16. Hi friends, is there a way to chain functions in the timeline, like this? gsap.timeline() .add( animateTitle('.hero--about h1') ) .add( animateImage('.hero--about img'), '<5' ) The above code is not working for two reasons: 1) the 2nd function start at the same time as the 1st one; 2) position '<5' doesn't work. Is there maybe another GSAP function for this? Thanks
  17. Hi @OSUblake thanks for this awesome codepen. I noticed that it's bugged on Firefox, I attach a video showing that. Is it a bug of Draggable plugin? Thanks Kapture 2022-02-14 at 12.37.15.mp4
  18. Hi I'm trying to create an infinite marquee animation on images, similar to the one you could see on this site It seems that ModifiersPlugin is the way. You can see here my code: https://codepen.io/gooogooo/pen/wvPBEaz but it doesn't work as expected and I don't get where I'm wrong, any helps?
  19. Hi @Cassie Thanks for the help. I already saw that codepen but the animation I have to do is completely different. I have these bars (that are separated elements) that should animate changing their height randomly but keeping the oval shapes. My thought brought me to see this animation as animating separately those bars but I really don't know if it makes sense! Any idea? Here is a codepen with the SVG so you can see what I mean: https://codepen.io/gooogooo/pen/ZEXKKGX Thanks
  20. Hi friends I need your help. I need to create an animated waveform, this one: There's some flexibility so the 3 shape can be symmetric respect the axis X (like the 3 red oval I draw on it). The little bars that make up the shapes have the height animated randomly but not too much so we can recognize the oval shapes. (In a step 2: we need to do an animated transition the reduce the amplitude of the shapes). I know I should post a minimal codepen but I really have some hard time to get what's the way to do it. Please, someone that give me an idea? Thanks
  21. Hi, just a variation on this question. Say I've this code and I need to animate the title "Title" <section> <header> <div class="container"> <h1>Title</h1> </div> </header> <div class="container"> Content... </div> </section> Is it more efficient apply the animation on <header> tag or <h1> tag? Consider that the element could be much more nested than that.
  22. @Stefano Monteiro Yes, that was clear. I'd like to know if there's a way to avoid to specify each classes.
  23. Hi @OSUblake I've a code like this: gsap.utils.toArray("" + ".js-class-1, .js-class-1-wrap > *," + ".js-class-2, .js-class-2-wrap > *") // and so on, a long list of classes/css selectors .forEach(el => { gsap.from(el, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: el, once: true, }, y: animUpY, autoAlpha: 0, }); }); and I obviously get in console a lot of "not found" warnings because some classes are on a page, some others on other pages, and so on. What is the best practice in gsap to check them with an if? This technique could decrease performance? (and for this reason is better shutdown warnings in gsap.config?) Also, any advice about a better refactoring of my code is welcome Thanks
  24. @OSUblake You're the one, that's it! ? Well, that was tricky. Below the whole code so that could be helpful for someone. axios.post(ajaxurl, form_data) .then(function (response) { // This keeps the *same* html to inject and animate let template = document.createElement("template"); template.innerHTML = response.data.html; let cards = template.content.querySelectorAll(".card"); // Get elements to animate // Inject HTML in the DOM // Note: DON'T use insertAdjacentHTML to inject, it duplicates html containerEl.append(template.content); // ScrollTrigger animation ScrollTrigger.batch(cards, { onEnter: elements => { gsap.from(elements, { autoAlpha: 0, y: 60, stagger: 0.15 }); }, once: true, }); })
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