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  1. Thanks guys, think i have an idea what to do now! I think my mistake was that i tried to apply it to the tween called inside onDragMove, while I should only apply it to another tween which should be called onDragEnd. Will give it a try tomorrow morning... Thanks for your help again!
  2. It works but really buggy, especially with the small movements. I will make a working codepen in the following days and will ask for further help then if i don't figure it out by myself by then... Anyway thanks for the super quick answer! ?
  3. Hey guys, have a question for you... I'm building the infinite seamless draggable grid with pixi.js and everything is pretty much finished, just i am trying now to add a cherry on the top with the InertiaPlugin. Please can you help me a bit with the implementation since it was not clear to me on the first look at your docs. Btw, I have bought the plugin and it's successfully registered.. The function bellow is being called every time when pos value is changed. Can you let me know how can i adjust it to achieve the sweet inertia? this.dragTween && this.dragTween.pause() this.dragTween = gsap.to(this.movingContainer.position, 1, { x: pos.x, y: pos.y, ease: 'Power4.easeOut', onUpdate: () => { // lot of calculations irrelevant for this question } }) Thank you very much for the help!
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