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  1. @ZachSaucier you fix it before I even had the time to test it Thank you. I will fix my jerky effect on the timeline repeat and it will be perfect !
  2. Thanks a lot ! I will investigate on that. Thank you for all your help
  3. Hmmmm ... I have another question, since the timeline is "pre compiled" before running, is it possible to reassign the original linear gradient in another step of my timeline ? Here are my steps to explain what I mean : - Rotate the line - Reverse the color - Rotate the line back - Reassign original linear gradient - And restart ... My point is : is the method modify the structure of the SVG ?
  4. Hi Zach ! Awesome ! Thank you very much Now I can moove forward and work hard to get my full timeline done Thanks a lot !
  5. Hi, I am very new on GSAP and I have some troubles in simple animation and timeline sequences I would like to moove a line and then reverse the linear gradient color (instead of turning the color to red in the example) without getting this jerky effect on turning the color to another one. I tried to create another linear gradient template in my SVG and reassign it to the line but it's not working If someone have some tips for me, I would be greatful I guess there is already a topic on that but I can't find it Sorry, i'm not very fluent in english ^^ Thanks a lot Mamat
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