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Everything posted by KarthickVeera

  1. https://codepen.io/KarthickVeeramani/pen/xxbVKpa
  2. Thanks for your quick reply. Actually I did same think using scroll magic. you suggested Intersection Observer, this is also fine very clean. But the question is while using the mouse wheel, the second section is scroll to the top. I tried like this, const skillCount = document.querySelectorAll(".skill-item").length; let isAnimating = false; let count = 0; const duration = 1; window.addEventListener("wheel", () => { heighth = $(".skill-item").height(); const delta = Math.sign(event.deltaY); if(!isAnimating) { if(delta > 0 && count < skillCount - 1) { gsap.to(".skill-item", {duration: duration, y: "-=" + heighth, onComplete: () => isAnimating = false }) } else if(delta < 0 && count > 0) { gsap.to(".skill-item", {duration: duration, y: "+=" + heighth, onComplete: () => isAnimating = false }); } isAnimating = true; } });
  3. If I'm suppose to apply Gsap animation for Pinned wrapper element means the Scroll magic pin not working. https://codepen.io/KarthickVeeramani/pen/gObrYBa
  4. I need to do like this using GSAP. https://codepen.io/KarthickVeeramani/pen/xxbVKpa
  5. Without GSAP https://codepen.io/KarthickVeeramani/pen/xxbVKpa
  6. Using Gsap animation pinning not working.. https://codepen.io/KarthickVeeramani/pen/gObrYBa With out using GSAP scroll magic pin is working perfectly. Check below link, https://codepen.io/KarthickVeeramani/pen/xxbVKpa
  7. I tried many ways using scroll magic. I need to do while scrolling left is going to be a bottom right is going to be up. with scroll to position and smooth scroll. Now I created html. Kindly help me. https://codepen.io/KarthickVeeramani/pen/jOEPvRm
  8. I need do like multi scroll using Gsap. I have to do like this https://dpotferstudio.com/
  9. Thanks for your quick reply. I need like this, using GSAP 3 https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/38204e7a0163c5f7c32749a380f5acb0
  10. Hi Guys.. I have tried book flip using Gsap3 plugin. While using a tweenMax.js, cssPlugin-Perspective is working perfectly. but I have to do using gsap.min.js. It will not work properly. Thanks in advance
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