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Everything posted by gyofeel

  1. Hi, I'm still using gsap2 because of useFrames. The web app I develop is served on row-performance device. So, when I use tweenLite in gsap2, useFrames is nice option to improve the animation performance. I know gsap3 is cool, but I can't level up gsap. T_T Any special reasons? Are you considering adding it? Thank you.
  2. Thank you for your replying. Then, I have a question. I understand that ,even though I fixed the fps to 20 using TweenLite.fps(), a scrolling animation make a fps changing. So, I think when a container scrolling, fps is under 20, otherwise fps is 20. I checked the fps timeline and scene with the screenshot function on the performance tab. Then, when a container moving(scrolling), fps is about 20 ~ 60, otherwise fps is about 20. Rather, fps is higher. Why is that?
  3. I use TweenLite and useFrames:true for scrolling caroseul UI(lists of images). Also, because of low performance of environment, use TweenLite.fps for setting fps as 20. when deveploping, I often use a performace tab of Chrome development tools. For a performace test, after recording performance, I expected a flat timeline graph line. However, the result is a rugged line.(min: about 20fps, max: about 60fps) like a below image, when this carosuel UI scrolling, component mounting(image components), image lazy-loading, scrolling animation and image scale-up(transform) are done together. Why is the fps not constant? Thank you.
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