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  1. wont lie had trouble yesterday adding tween but i finally managed to do it (for those wondering why i used animations instead of gsap in the first place was due to an issue of the svg rotating out of place i fixed that by adding " transformOrigin: 50% 50% " to the gsap animation) now im using tween
  2. i managed to toggle class when scrolling but when i am scrolling back up i wish to activate a different class gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: "#tesla-car", start: "center center", end: "+=900", toggleClass: "active" }, }); here is the code im currently using ^ but i want to toggle a different class when i scroll back up (hopefully thats understandable
  3. oh wow i just found out tween and some more stuff thx ill try and convert the animation into to gsap
  4. dude i dont know how to thank you , you are an absolute life-saver thx so much oh i forgot that gsap could even rotate that damm im so dumb
  5. Simplified: basiclly i want to activate the class "active" when i scroll down but currently that doesnt seem to work
  6. i am trying to activate an animation that will rotate the tire svg but id like to do it with scroll trigger basiclly when scrolling down i wanna activate a class or animation and when scrolling back up i wanna do the same but with different class or animation
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