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  1. Hi guys! I have a little problem with keyframes There is nothing about them in the documentation >__< My question is, can i work with keyframes in from and fromTo and how it possible? And can I use 'position' parameter? The goal is to describe this behavior in keyframes: tlBg.fromTo('.background', { scale: 4 }, { scale: 1.8, duration: 5 }); tlBg.fromTo('.background', { scale: 4 }, { scale: 1.8, y: -70, duration: 0.5 }, '-=0.2'); tlBg.fromTo('.background', { scale: 1.8, y: -70 }, { scale: 1.8, y: 70, duration: 4 }); tlBg.fromTo('.background', { scale: 5 }, { scale: 1.8, y: 70, duration: 0.5 }, '-=0.3'); tlBg.fromTo('.background', { scale: 1.8, y: 70 }, { scale: 1.8, y: -70, duration: 4 }); tlBg.fromTo('.background', { scale: 4 }, { scale: 1.8, duration: 5 }, '-=0.1'); Or this is fine and in future i need to do waterfalls like this?
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