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  1. I'm new to GSAP and am trying to both have an Image Component <Transition> and have an onHover animaiton using Tween. I have both of them working although I can't use them both. I don't know how to use <transition> unless its within an object returning a <transition>. Can you use Tween within an Object or does it have to be Component level. Suggestions? Feel free to use my github work in progress for more info. Please be gentle with me (I couldn't get Codepen to work) const Ball = props => { const url = `/imagines/${props.index + 1}_ball.png`; const { in: show, remove, card } = props; return <Transition timeout={1000} mountOnEnter unmountOnExit appear in={show} addEndListener={(node, done) => { TweenMax.to(node, 0.35, { y: 0, autoAlpha: show ? 1 : 0, onComplete: done, delay: !show ? 0 : card.init ? props.index * 0.5 : 0 }); }} > //other stuff
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