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Posts posted by medmedmed75

  1. Hey everyone, 

    I was inspired by that website parallax effect.

    When i'm using parallax, i usually do a transform: translate3d(0, (val)px, 0) and height: 120% on the image in a container that have an overflow: hidden for masking. 


    On the website I mention above, the translation has been executed on the container, himself wrap in an other div that have a mask. The image is never taller than the translated container div. 


    Any idea to achieve that kind of results?

  2. Hey everyone!


    I was wondering if it possible to

    • first, create a Timeline
    • then, on each tween, apply a ScrollTrigger with a different trigger for each element. 


    The idea is to create a timeline where I can create animation for each element .hero, .infos, .other and the triggers would be these classes. 


      <div class="hero">
      <div class="infos">
      <div class="other">


    Maybe I can do something like this but it creates multiple ScrollTrigger reference. 

    const tweensConfig = [
        type: "to",
        classname: ".hero",
        x: 100,
        type: "from",
        classname: ".infos",
        opacity: 1,
    const createAnimation = () => itemsClass.map(({ type, classname, ...rest }) =>
    	gsap[type](classname, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: classname }, ...rest }))



    Sorry in advance if I did a duplicated post and I just read the common mistakes usage for ScrollTrigger but I can't find a solution. 


    Many thanks for your help :) 

  3. If I understand well, the transform3d is here just to perform the tween via the GPU (the thing I want btw lol)? So the motion is still performing by the transform() and not the transform3d?


    And, last question, what about scale3d? Can I use it just using force3D? 


    Many thanks for your clarification, it helps a lot! 🙏

  4. @GreenSock thanks for your response!


    Maybe I'm confusing with the translate(...) and translate3d(...) I see in Chrome Devtool. 

    During the tween, I see translate() (with values changing) and translate3d(0, 0, 0) with no values changing.


    I mean, I thought I would only see translate3d performs


    does that mean it's working? 

  5. Hey everyone! 


    I have some trouble using force3D

    Here is an example: 

    const tl = gsap.timeline()
    gsap.config({ force3D: true })
      .set('div', { yPercent: 100 })
      .to('div', {
        yPercent: 0,
      	duration: 1,
        delay: 1


    Maybe i'm using it wrong?


    (I don't create a codepen because the code is very simple)


    Many thanks for your help :)

  6. Hello everyone,


    I'm currently working on a React project and I need to use ScrollToPlugin. 


    Here is how I import the plugin 


    import gsap from 'gsap'
    import ScrollToPlugin from 'gsap/ScrollToPlugin'

    And then, to prevent some troubles in production, added 

    const plugins = [ScrollToPlugin]

    Then I have a scroll ref 

      const scrollRef = useRef(null)

    And finally this is how I used the scrollto function 

     const scrollTest = el => {
        gsap.to(window, {duration: 1, scrollTo: el });
    <button className={s.btn__scroll} onClick={() => [setScrolled(true), scrollTest(scrollRef)]}>Go Down</button>



    After many researches, I thought it was due to an import issue. So I've tried to insert cdn script directly in the public html... doesn't work. 

    Any ideas? :)



    As @elegantseagulls said below, you just have to register your ScrollToPlugin as follow : 



    Many thanks 




    • Like 2
  7. Hello everyone! 


    I've got some troubles to make my transition between 3 differents components. The logic is pretty simple : I just want to go from opacity 0 to 1 when component is being mounted (easy with hooks / stateless components, or componentDidMount / react class) and to go from opacity 1 to 0 when the component is being umounted. Neither the useEffect nor the componentWillUnmount are working for this transition. I admit that's a pretty simple transition but impossible to do when component is unmount. 


    Here is the function fired when Homepage, About Us or Corporate are clicked : 


    	toggleBetweenAllPages = () => {
    		const page = this.props.toggle.page
    		if (page === "homepage") {
    			return <Homepage />
    		}  else if (page === "corporate") {
    			return <Contact />
    		} else if (page === "about us") {
    			return <Infos />

    Hope this is clear and thanks in advance for your help! :) 

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