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Posts posted by eden

  1. Hi geedix 

    Thanks for reply.

    Confirming that repeatRefresh: true parameter does work ! Thanks !.




     Can add an interesting case about it. I remember trying this parameter before, but didn't work back than. 


    Turns out that this works

    .to(txt1, { duration: 0.2,  x: gsap.utils.random(-30, 30, true),  y: gsap.utils.random(-30, 30, true), ease: "rough"});


    But a relative position does not. (no new randoms values upon repeat even with refresh parameter)

    .to(txt1, { duration: 0.2,  x: "+="+gsap.utils.random(-30, 30, true)(), y: "+="+gsap.utils.random(-30, 30, true)(), ease: "rough"});


    Could this be a bug?.

  2. Hi


    I was wondering if i could create an infinite wiggle effect using gasp.utils.random, but the problem is that upon repeat the random durection dosnt refresh.

    I gues it worked only on load. Is there any chance we can force it to generate new direction upon timelne repeat or using parameter repeat:-1 ?



        .to(myTextField, {duration: .2, x: "+="+gsap.utils.random(-30, 30, true)(), y: "+="+gsap.utils.random(-30, 30, true)(), repeat:1, yoyo:true, ease: "rough"})

  3. Guys, those are some great examples !

    I had no idea we can use tl.tweenFromTo from 0 to a specific label 🤯 will definitely experiment with that ! (now I wonder what else I dont know with gsap 🤔 - is there any hidden array that stores all objects that appeared on specific label perhaps ? So we could do .to(LABEL, .5, {alpha:0})  )


    Adding separate function also seams clever and universal.
    Thanks for hints! Will hit back if i scramble some code i like best ❤️

  4. Hi there.

    Im searching the forum to find the most elegant way to repeat a timeline, but with a nice fading effect on last repeat.
    Im aware we can define repeat parameters on timeline object, and i like that idea.
    tl = gsap.timeline({repeat:3, repeatDelay:2});

    But this will also repeat the last label of timeline, witch typically is a fade out effect, so the animation can start again from a blank state.
    .to([txt1,txt2,txt3logos,cta ... etc], .5, {alpha:0}, "cleanRepeatFrame")


     So far i've been doing workarounds like trying to stop timeline before we reach last label in last repeat loop. But this seems not clever at all.

    example of my workaround:

    .add(function() { r++; if (r>3) { tl.pause();    }}, "+=0")



    So im just adding a function before cleanRepeatFrame, that checks loop number (r variable is just assuming we started from 0, and i need to manualy adjust it on how many loops the timeline got. (sub question - any way to get the loop number from timeline object ?)


    So general question would be, is there any better / cleaner way to code such functionality.
    Would adding onRepeat: to timeline object be a nicer approach ?


    Best regards.


  5. 4 minutes ago, GreenSock said:

    do you want a callback triggered every time the next letter starts animating? 

    Yes, exactly that ! Im sorry for bad explaining. I just need to know, when to fire next arrow animation (so when staggerFrom decides its the next object to animate)

    - Im aware of gsap 3.0, but in this project i need to stay with the old one, as others collages are working in that too.

    - Will learn to use codePen, promise !

  6. @GreenSock

    While il continue to try the @ZachSaucier Idea.  Here the demo for You.

    I stripped all unnecessary code and custom templates. You ware right i implemented it in the wrong way. Now the console does trigger a string, but still more times than it needs to (for every letter, triggers 16 times)


    Best regards.


  7. Hi All. Thank You for all Your responses.


    @ZachSaucier @PointC
    Unfortunately i cant provide a proper codepen, due to all this code being in animate cc. However i did record a small demo gif, demonstrating more or less, what im trying to achieve.


    I do believe the stagger and steppedEase is the key. I will try to explain this demo.


    General purpose of this script is to automate an animation like in the gif.

    Im putting all the letters into an array using a for() loop, so from this point i can conveniently use a single like with gsap:

    TweenMax.staggerFrom(textArray, .5, {y:"+=10", alpha:0, ease:SteppedEase.config(16), 1);


    The next step would be to fire the arrow tween animation, at the .x coordinate of a corresponding letter. (i all ready got all the .x positions of each letter stored in a separate Array thanks to the initial for loop).

    So, in my mind, the tween, for the Arrow, would need to look more or less like that:

    .from(arrow,.5,{y:"-="+30,alpha:0, ease: Power2.easeOut}, 1 , 
      onComplete:function() {
            // tween for arrow disapearing goes here

     However i would need to know, when to fire the function above. It should fire when a letter appears and only a total of letter numbers times.

    The onUpdate callback, tigers much more times than a numbers of letters (even with a SteppedEase), making this approach invalid.



    This function looks very promising. But when i tested it,  the function myCallback() didn't trigger at all, and console was not showing any "changed!" string.

    function myCallback() {


    Best regards.


  8. Hi


    Is there a way to create stepping ease helper to update the positions of object to the corresponding array values, a defined number of times ?


    what i tried so far:

        TweenMax.staggerFrom(textArray, .5, {y:"+=10", alpha:0, ease:SteppedEase.config(16),
                //console.log("updated"); // updates many time, not good. I would like to triger some code, only when letter apreas. So this needs to fire only 16 times total


    i also tried stepping ease with a variable version

    var ticker = {value:0}
        TweenMax.to(ticker, 1, {value:16, ease:SteppedEase.config(16), 
          onUpdate:function() {
            console.log("updated"); // unfortunatly this update trigers more times than 16

    Best regards.

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