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  1. That definition is in the lottie-web package. I'm not too knowledgeable with TypeScript either. I tried to extend the type but it's throwing more errors I just tried using Chris Gannon's code and TypeScript is not complaining now
  2. Thanks for the tips! Unfortunately it's kind of difficult for me to isolate it in a code sample. I'll still try to do it, but in the meantime, I can provide some more context. The code is working fine in the browser, no console error whatsoever. The TypeScript linting error is only in the code editor and I cannot deploy my code without resolving it. I'm using ReactJS server side rendering + TypeScript. gsap is being loaded async in a client component. From what I understand, this lottie.loadAnimation returns an AnimationItem. animation = lottie.loadAnimation({ ... }); Then it's creating a frameTween here animation.addEventListener("DOMLoaded", function() { let createTween = function() { animation.frameTween = gsap.to(playhead, { ... }); ... }; ... }); But when looking at the type AnimationItem definition in index.d.ts, there's no frameTween export type AnimationItem = { name: string; isLoaded: boolean; currentFrame: number; currentRawFrame: number; firstFrame: number; totalFrames: number; frameRate: number; frameMult: number; playSpeed: number; playDirection: number; playCount: number; isPaused: boolean; autoplay: boolean; loop: boolean | number; renderer: any; animationID: string; assetsPath: string; timeCompleted: number; segmentPos: number; isSubframeEnabled: boolean; segments: AnimationSegment | AnimationSegment[]; play(name?: string): void; stop(name?: string): void; togglePause(name?: string): void; destroy(name?: string): void; pause(name?: string): void; goToAndStop(value: number | string, isFrame?: boolean, name?: string): void; goToAndPlay(value: number | string, isFrame?: boolean, name?: string): void; includeLayers(data: any): void; setSegment(init: number, end: number): void; resetSegments(forceFlag: boolean): void; hide(): void; show(): void; resize(): void; setSpeed(speed: number): void; setDirection(direction: AnimationDirection): void; setLoop(isLooping: boolean): void; playSegments(segments: AnimationSegment | AnimationSegment[], forceFlag?: boolean): void; setSubframe(useSubFrames: boolean): void; getDuration(inFrames?: boolean): number; triggerEvent<T = any>(name: AnimationEventName, args: T): void; addEventListener<T = any>(name: AnimationEventName, callback: AnimationEventCallback<T>): () => void; removeEventListener<T = any>(name: AnimationEventName, callback?: AnimationEventCallback<T>): void; } I think this is causing the error but I don't know how to fix it...
  3. Hi all, I'm trying to use the helper function in the docs to build a scroll based lottie animation in my project. However, I can't figure out how to solve this error. Does anyone have any ideas? thanks very much!
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