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  1. Hi, How can i cache all of my videos (for example 5 videos) at the same time without load completed?
  2. thank you, i activated the plugin and it works.
  3. i downloaded new version of greensock. So i want to use "motionBlur". //_logo is a movieClip. TweenLite.to(_logo, 2, { delay:1, x:500, y:10, motionBlur:true } ); Also i checked motionBlur in TweenLite/Max Plugin Explorer. How can i use motionBlur correctly?
  4. Thank you all for your answers. I updated my codes like that: public function loadOneVideo($video:String):void { trace(""); trace("VIDEOMANAGER (load) -- LOAD THIS VIDEO: " + $video ); _loadedOneVideoUrl = $video; //videos array var videoLoader:VideoLoader = new VideoLoader(_loadedOneVideoUrl, { name:"oneVideo", autoPlay:false, noCache:true, alternateURL:_loadedOneVideoUrl, onProgress:onVideoDuetLoadProgress, onComplete:onVideoDuetLoadComplete, onError:onVideoDuetError }); videoLoader.load(); } private function onVideoDuetLoadProgress(event:LoaderEvent):void { dispatchEvent(new LayoutEvent(LayoutEvent.VIDEO_PROGRESS)); } private function onVideoDuetLoadComplete(event:LoaderEvent):void { trace("VIDEOMANAGER (load) -- VIDEO LOADED: " + _loadedOneVideoUrl); trace("--"); dispatchEvent(new LayoutEvent(LayoutEvent.VIDEO_LOAD, _loadedOneVideoUrl)); } private function onVideoDuetError(e:LoaderEvent):void { trace("VIDEOMANAGER (load) -- VIDEO LOAD ERROR: " + e.target.url); trace("--"); trace("reload: " + _loadedOneVideoUrl); loadOneVideo(_loadedOneVideoUrl); } I used "VideoLoader". And also put noCache:false in my code. So i think it's ok for caching. I used "alternateURL" for isn't loaded videos. I use the same url. And if the video isn't loaded, videoloader load it from alternateURL for me. Am i right? Can i do this like that?
  5. i'm using noCache:false but everytime all of my videos are loading again. If the video is loaded, i don't want to load it again. (caching) And second subject is sometimes one of my videos isn't loaded. And LoaderMax skips it. If there is a problem/ioerror etc., i want to reload this video. And continue to load next video. (error on multi video load) And now, i'm looking at "skipFailed" property.
  6. i'm using LoaderMax to load multi videos and it works. But i want to learn something about caching and reloading. 1 - If once the video is loaded, i don't want to reload it another session. Because i load it before. So it plays without loading? How can i do this? 2 - If one video has an error while loading, i want to reload it and continue the next video to load. Here is a sample code. Maybe it works to explain my problem. public function loadOneVideo($video:String):void { trace(""); trace("VIDEOMANAGER (load) -- LOAD THIS VIDEO: " + $video ); _loadedOneVideoUrl = $video; //videos array _loadedOneVideoCollection = [ $video ]; //loadermax activate LoaderMax.activate([VideoLoader]); //queue parse _queueLoadedOneVideo = LoaderMax.parse ( _loadedOneVideoCollection, { maxConnections:1, onProgress:onVideoDuetLoadProgress, onComplete:onVideoDuetLoadComplete, onError:onVideoDuetError, noCache:true }, { autoPlay:false } ); _queueLoadedOneVideo.load(); } private function onVideoDuetLoadProgress(event:LoaderEvent):void { dispatchEvent(new LayoutEvent(LayoutEvent.VIDEO_PROGRESS)); } private function onVideoDuetLoadComplete(event:LoaderEvent):void { trace("VIDEOMANAGER (load) -- VIDEO LOADED: " + _loadedOneVideoUrl); trace("--"); dispatchEvent(new LayoutEvent(LayoutEvent.VIDEO_LOAD, _loadedOneVideoUrl)); } private function onVideoDuetError(e:LoaderEvent):void { trace("VIDEOMANAGER (load) -- VIDEO LOAD ERROR: " + _loadedOneVideoUrl); trace("--"); dispatchEvent(new LayoutEvent(LayoutEvent.VIDEOS_LOAD_ERROR)); } // ############### END LOAD ONE VIDEO ###############
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