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Everything posted by prrrcl

  1. I think i gonna die! haha I haven't got idea how can i use that. I only want to do something like: https://www.cahnwilson.com/ and their code its the same that i put in my repl.it ?
  2. I think ok, but if i want to do 2animations? i mean, open 1, close 2. There are 2 diferents animations for entry and exit. How can i do?
  3. Hi, Im developing a webapp using react (hooks) and gsap for animations. i have a toggle burger menu with a Toggle Function. If i click there, animation works, if i click again, burger go back to initial position, but, if i click again, burger doesnt become a X.. Why? https://repl.it/@prrrcl/CulturedDearestProjects
  4. oh my god, thanks a lot (L)!!!!!
  5. Hi, I have some issue with Gsap and reactjs. I don't know how can i do two animations, first one, and then when it finished, start the second one. Im working with hooks and this is my code: useEffect(() => { let newTimeLine = new TimelineMax() setAnimation( newTimeLine .staggerFrom( links.children, 0.5, { alpha: 0, y: -30 } , 0.08) .staggerTo( links.children, 0.1, { alpha: 1, y: 0, ease: Power3.easeOut }, 0.1).reverse() ) }, []); I want to have second animation: x: -10 to x:0 when y: 0. My english is so bad, sorry guys... Thanks a lot.
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