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Mike G

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  1. Silly me. I had a transition node in the CSS for that element that I forgot was there. Perhaps a note to others with this problem, the transition parameters in the CSS will override the GSAP settings.
  2. I am having what I am sure is a bizarre and uncommon problem. I'm in react, and doing the simplest of tweens. The problem is I'm wanting it to zoom in from 0 values, rather than from the starting position to zero. The documentation clearly says set() is like a 0 duration tween to push the element into the starting position, but when I do this it actually animates for 1 second. When I try to() with duration 0, it does the same thing. Duration works for any numbers above 1, but not below 1. Why is it not recognizing 0 duration? It's being done in a react componentDidMount() function. Any help would be appreciated! TweenLite.set(document.getElementById("masterModal"), { scale: 1, opacity: 1 });
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