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jamiejefferson last won the day on January 11 2015

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Posts posted by jamiejefferson

  1. I currently have a completed program working perfectly with the motionBlur plugin. However, I have a pretty large set of textfields with motion blur applied, and I notice a lot of slowdown on weaker computers like laptops. In these cases I would like to have the option to disable the motionBlur effect.


    I'm applying the motionblur to 'page' (a movieclip built in the flash IDE with about 10 or so textfields), which is moved about in a container clip. The following is the relevant code I use to populate the timeline and the attempts to remove motionblur from those tweens:


    var timeline = new TimelineMax({yoyo:true, repeat: 50, repeatDelay: 2 });
    // adding tweens to the timeline (repeated about 10 times for each step in the animation)
    timeline.appendMultiple([TweenMax.to(page, 0.5, {x:newx, y:newy, ease:Quad.easeInOut, motionBlur:{strength:0.3, quality: 2, fastMode:true, padding:0}}) ,
                            TweenMax.to(zoomContainer, 0.5, {transformAroundPoint:{point:new Point(0, 0), pointIsLocal:true, scaleX:newscale, scaleY:newscale}, ease:Quad.easeInOut})] , 1, TweenAlign.NORMAL, 0);

    // attempting to disable motionblurs
    var pagetweens = timeline.getTweensOf(page);
    for each(var tween:TweenMax in pagetweens) {
       tween.updateTo( { motionBlur:false } ); // removes motionblur but causes 'page' to disappear
       // tween.updateTo( { motionBlur:{remove:true} } ); // just resets to the default motionBlur settings ?
       // tween.updateTo( { motionBlur:{strength:0} } ); // just resets to the default motionBlur settings ?

    motionBlur:false seems to disable the motionblur, but it also causes 'page' to disappear at the end of the first tween. The only thing thats working at the moment to improve performance is:


    tween.updateTo( { motionBlur:{strength:0.001, quality: 2, fastMode:true, padding:0} } );

    but I'm sure having no filter at all would be a vast improvement.


    It would be great to know if I'm doing anything obviously wrong here.

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