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Everything posted by nunoh

  1. I am trying to do a simple tweening of increasing the radius of circles whenever the mouse gets clicked over an svg canvas. However, I am getting some jerking/choking on the tweening of the circles, and can't debug it why. This problem only happens when I try to create another circle, before the ones that are currently being animated finishes. Any help is greatly appreciated Main function code is the following: createCircle(evt) { const { clientX: x, clientY: y } = evt const id = `circle-${++this.lastCircleId}` this.circles.push({ x, y, id }) Vue.nextTick(() => { TweenLite.to(`#${id}`, 1, { attr: { r: 50 }, onComplete: () => { this.circles = this.circles.filter(circle => circle.id !== id) }, }) }) }, CodeSandbox example: https://codesandbox.io/s/vue-template-j9my3?fontsize=14 P.S. Sorry I posted a CodeSandbox example instead of CodePen, but couldn't really get the CodePen to work with vue template syntax.
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