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Everything posted by hugznotthugzkidz

  1. You can try Senocular's event bubbling class. http://www.senocular.com/flash/source/?id=0.160 Sorry, if it's not what you're looking for, but it looks like you have a button within a button problem.
  2. Oh man, do I feel like an idiot. I was under the assumption that TweenMax automatically activated all the plugins, but after skimming through the docs it only activates the commonly used ones. Thanks Carl. I visit your site almost everyday. I've pretty much learned a majority of the Greensock Tweening Platform from watching your video tutorials. I also have another question. I've been trying to figure out how to have text fly in quickly then slowly, then after a defined delayed number of seconds it flys out quickly again. The best example of this is if you've ever played Call of Duty: Black Ops, on the multiplayer load screen, it would have the name of the map and the game type fly in quickly and move slowly, it never flys out quickly, but that's the type of animations I've been trying to reproduce. Thanks again!
  3. I have dynamic textfields placed on the stage that scales like so: TweenMax.to(myText,1,{scaleX:3,scaleY:3}); Unfortunately, it's scaling from the default registration point, which is UPPER LEFT, and not from the CENTER how I want it. I tried using transformAroundCenter on the text itslef, but I get an error saying that it doesn't recognize textfields and there is no default value. I've tried wrapping it inside a MovieClip or Sprite along with the TransformAroundCenterPlugin, but I am still getting the same error. This is my full code by the way: import com.greensock.TweenMax; import com.greensock.easing.*; //import com.greensock.plugins.*; //TweenPlugin.activate ([AutoAlphaPlugin,BlurFilterPlugin,MotionBlurPlugin,TransformAroundCenterPlugin ]); var Clips:Array = [Line_1,Line_2,Line_3,Line_4,Line_5,Line_6]; var Stagger:Number = 0.5; for (var i = 0; i < Clips.length; i++) { TweenMax.from (Clips[i],0.5,{autoAlpha:0,x:null,y:500,scaleX:3,scaleY:3,rotation:0,blurFilter:{blurX:25,blurY:25},ease:Expo.easeInOut,delay:i * Stagger,onComplete:FadeOut}); } function FadeOut ():void { for (var i = 0; i < Clips.length; i++) { TweenMax.to (Clips[i],0.5,{autoAlpha:0,x:null,y:-500,scaleX:0,scaleY:0,rotation:20,blurFilter:{blurX:25,blurY:25},ease:Expo.easeInOut,delay:i * Stagger}); } }
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