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  1. Ah, I see. Get the idea. Will try to comprehend your solution. Thanks!
  2. Hmm. I don't get the 'can't find variable' error anymore, but it also doesn't seem to kill anything...
  3. Thanks a lot! I actually tried to declare the variable outside the function, but than the animation started behaving strange, so apparently I did something wrong. This helps a lot! I'll take a deep dive!
  4. This return function is very helpful. I got it working perfectly: https://codepen.io/wildeweg/pen/powKYEM But when a timeline is defined within a function, I can't get it to work (sorry, this has probably to do with my limited knowledge of javascript.). Probably somebody can give me some pointers, though? I am doing this: gsap.utils.toArray(".book").forEach((book) => { var bookImageSRC = book.querySelector("img").src; var bookImageNaturalHeight = book.querySelector("img").naturalHeight; var bookImageNaturalWidth = book.querySelector("img").naturalWidth; var bookImageProportion = bookImageNaturalWidth / bookImageNaturalHeight; var bookImageTargetWidth = 200; var bookImageTargetHeight = bookImageTargetWidth / bookImageProportion; function bookHover(e) { if (e.type === "mouseenter") { var tl_bookIn = gsap.timeline(); tl_bookIn.set(bookImageWrapper, {backgroundImage: "url('" + bookImageSRC + "'", backgroundSize: bookImageTargetWidth + "px " + bookImageTargetHeight + "px", width: bookImageTargetWidth*0.9, height: bookImageTargetHeight*0.9}); tl_bookIn.set(book, {backgroundColor: "#FF89E4"}); tl_bookIn.to(bookImageWrapper, {autoAlpha: 1, rotate: 10, backgroundSize: bookImageTargetWidth + "px " + bookImageTargetHeight + "px", width: bookImageTargetWidth, height: bookImageTargetHeight, duration: 1.6}); } else if (e.type === "mouseleave") { var tl_bookOut = gsap.timeline(); tl_bookOut.set(book, {backgroundColor: "#F2FF74"}); tl_bookOut.to(bookImageWrapper, {autoAlpha: 0, rotate: 0, backgroundSize: bookImageTargetWidth * 1.2 + "px " + bookImageTargetHeight * 1.2 + "px", width: bookImageTargetWidth*0.6, height: bookImageTargetHeight*0.6, duration: 1}); } } book.addEventListener("mouseenter", bookHover); book.addEventListener("mouseleave", bookHover); book.addEventListener("mousemove", moveBookImage); }); Then I try to kill the timeline like this: return function() { // other cleanup code can go here. tl_bookIn.kill(); tl_bookOut.kill(); }; But it says 'Can't find variable: tl_bookIn'. This probably has to do with scope? Codepen example here: https://codepen.io/wildeweg/pen/rNwogyM?editors=1010
  5. Hey @mikel, is there a way to speedup the car on click/hover on the same path?
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