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Everything posted by vanSk

  1. Thank you, but I want run the title after 1 second. I don't want to have delay in first animation. I want to have delay when the first stagger animation is complete, so I can show the button. Here my code: let title = document.getElementsByClassName('title'); let tll = new TimelineMax({ repeat: -1 }); tll.staggerFromTo(title, 1, { x: -250, y: 300, }, { x: 0, stagger: 1, ease: Sine.easeInOut, delay: 3 }); tll.staggerFromTo('.btn', 1, { x: -250, y: 200, }, { x: 0, delay: 3, ease: Sine.easeInOut }); tll.to(title, 1, { opacity: 0, ease: Linear.easeNone })
  2. Hello, I have a title in three words. Each word goes individually in a new line with a stagger. So after that I want to hide this title and make visible button in the same position of the title. After a seconds I want return the first animation with the title and then the animation with the button and so on indefinitely. Thank you. let title = document.getElementsByClassName('title'); let tll = new TimelineMax({ repeat: -1 }); tll.staggerFromTo(title, 1, { x: -250, y: 300, }, { x: 0, stagger: 1, ease: Sine.easeInOut });
  3. Yes, exactly. Thanks a lot for the help!
  4. Well, when the animation is fade out, as you can see it, I want after that the animation start from beginning, ie. tl.fromTo(".hand", 1, { x: -270 }, { x: 270 })
  5. Hello I have a hand animation that shows up on x and starts to rock. I want this hand to hide in every 3 seconds and start from the beginning -> ie x: 0 and go to x: 270. Can you help me? I want to look like an animation restart but with fade. Thank you very much https://codepen.io/van_22/pen/JgmpRO
  6. vanSk

    coins in tweenmax

    Hello, It's hard for me to orient myself with the GSAP. I want to make coins animation in columns- similar to the picture, but with only three columns. How can I make the coin follow one by one and stack into a bundle, but with different heights. I prefer tweenmax option. Thank you.
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