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Alexandra Spalato

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Everything posted by Alexandra Spalato

  1. Finally get it working with css keyframes + simple js to add class and remove a hidden class after timeout more complicated but no bug still don't know why there is this bug I tried to remove all styles from the button and it didn't work
  2. Thank you @mikel and @PointC, I will try that and keep you informed! really nice to find so much help quickly as I am beginning with greensock
  3. Thank you again fir trying to help! I tried to remove the transition, but the problem stills there
  4. Unfortunately the problem stays exactly the same this is the result https://cl.ly/cbadff626dc4 same problem on the easing
  5. Hi, I'm working on this website http://foundationnew.wpengine.com/ (wordpress) and it's my first greensock animation I also use scrollmagic it's quite simple, but as you can see there is a problem with the appearing buttons animation I try to have other ease but it stays like that all the code is on github https://github.com/alexadark/foundation/blob/master/assets/js/custom/animation.js at the top of the file for this animation I also tried to remove this code and only use keyframes for this part, but te keyframes doesn't work at all, so something is blocking somewhere and I don't understand what it can be here is the code I used for the keyframes (commented here) https://github.com/alexadark/foundation/blob/master/assets/sass/layout/_home.scss
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