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Toby Nicholas

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  1. Bingo! Thanks so much, both the Codepen and the link really help. Using immediateRender: false on just the second fromTo() does exactly what I need: https://codepen.io/tobynicholas/pen/oroqKM
  2. Thanks! I can use immediateRender: false as a workaround, in conjunction with manually setting the initial state, and I'll check into a combination of set() and to() tweens as well. Are you able to help me understand what I should expect the initial state to be when setting multiple fromTo() on a paused timeline, as per the Codepen?
  3. Hi folks! I'm struggling to get to grips with TimelineMax.fromTo(). If I have two tweens on a timeline, tweening first from, say, { opacity: 0 } to { opacity: 0.75 } and then from { opacity: 0.75 } back to { opacity: 0 }, when creating the timeline my target element has its opacity set to the from state of the second tween (i.e. 0.75). I was expecting it to take on the opacity in the from state of the first tween (i.e. 0). Now I can get around this using immediateRender: false (though this is less convenient), but I'm still trying to work out why the initial opacity set during render is coming from the second tween in the timeline and not the first. No doubt I'm missing something obvious. Any ideas what?! Thanks!
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