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Everything posted by IntouchGroup

  1. @OSUblake Thanks for responding, sorry I got sidetracked and totally forgot about this project. (oops! on missing the brackets). I'll give your suggestion a try, thank you.
  2. I was hoping to use stagger with a wrap, is this not possible? gsap.to(".box", { y: 100, stagger: { // wrap advanced options in an object each: gsap.utils.wrap(1,4,2,2,1), from: "center", grid: "auto", ease: "power2.inOut", repeat: -1 // Repeats immediately, not waiting for the other staggered animations to finish } });
  3. This has been great. I'm needing to animate the offset of the gradient stops. Basically they want a white color to shimmer across some svg from left to right. Nothing I'm doing seems to work. Any suggestions?
  4. Hot Damn! That's working. Thank you. My god you guys just hear about an issue and are all over it aren't you?
  5. I copy and pasted the preview Javascript into my codepen and removed the link to https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/3.0.1/ScrollToPlugin.min.js and I'm not seeing any change.
  6. Using y did make it scroll (thank you), but the onAutokill still fires on load
  7. I read the documentation and a post here about using autoKill, but I'm not getting it to work. My code seems to be firing the autoKill on start, isn't it supposed to fire on user interaction? Also, this is not scrolling at all. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? CodePen edited to use 'y' not 'top'
  8. duh. I feel stupid, I knew that! Thank you! I'm digging v3 VERY much. I need to set up a code pen with a question I have about v3 as soon as I get some free time, LOL.
  9. I'm this close to switching the team over to 3, I need to write up a best practices document first. OK, I'll come up with plan B. Thanks.
  10. Please run the code pen but look at the console output. This is gsap version 2.1.3 I'm using a timeline call and passing three parameters, but I'm getting the individual letters of the first item: > h > a > e Shouldn't I be getting the three words? > hae > scroll > statement1
  11. I don't believe I'm doing ease none in a scroll to correctly, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
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