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Everything posted by ownage

  1. Got it. Stupid mistake, again, you're the man! Thank you for all of your support! Matt
  2. P.S. I tried this with TweenLite and am not sure why this isn't working as play() & reverse() are both in the docs. Just wanted to verify... https://codepen.io/ownage/pen/arPRgj w/ TweenMax: https://codepen.io/ownage/pen/NVeRMJ
  3. I owe a HUGE thank you to you... You, sir, are an intellect, gentleman and scholar! This has got to be as clean as it gets. Looks like this will work just fine with TweenLite as well? Thank you!
  4. First off, thank you for the MOST EXCELLENT plugin TweenMax! I couldn't find ANY OTHER WAY to animate this variable than through <animate> which by itself really appears to be hard to work with on multiple paths within a single SVG. My goal is to animate feGaussianBlur's variable "stdDeviation" from 0 to 7 on mouse in.... and 7 to 0 on mouse out... not just once, but an unlimited number of times. While the first path object is still animating, the second path object should also be able to animate separately. It's not just two paths though, and my attempts to fix this with a couple "setTimeouts" is questionable-- in reality I will actually have 68 different paths that would technically require separate/individualized animation. I'm not sure if my approach is on the right track, but I'm pretty new to this and would really appreciate your support! Thank you again!
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