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Everything posted by Gezmins

  1. Quick update. Looks like problem isn't in banner code. This is information what I get from GWD support team. Hope this helps if someone will have the same problem. After extensively checking your creatives in Firefox and Chrome browsers, we’ve determined that the clickthrough events are firing properly and that the issue seems to be with the GoogleAds API. Here are the browser versions we tested it on (Mac OS 10.14.5): Chrome Version 74.0.3729.169 Firefox Version 67.0 And here are our findings for both browsers: Local preview shows that the exit event (clickthrough) are firing properly on Chrome. Here is what it shows on the Chrome’s built in debugging tools: Exit "Product_0_url" invoked Likewise, the exit event (clickthrough) are also being invoked properly on Firefox. Built-in debugging console in Firefox also shows a similar result: Exit "Product_0_url" invoked. We also examined the creative attached on this email thread and confirmed that you already implemented the fix for clickthroughs not working in FireFox, as suggested by my colleague Michael. With that being said, we’ve determined that the issue is most likely with Google Ads platform and not the actual creative. As much as we would like to troubleshoot this further, the best team to address this issue is Google Ads Support. For further assistance please contact them through this link: Google Ads Support
  2. This is totally pain... I writed that code and gived z-index order for background, footer and gwd-taparea. But still result is the same. When I open file just in firefox browser and clicking don't get errors. Problems starting when I upload into Google Ads.
  3. Hi Jonathan! Thanks for your answer. I will try it But for more context I upload GWD file, where is problem. And firefox console screenshot with all information. Like I understand banner is clicking, but nothing happening. firefox problem.zip
  4. Hi, I have a problem and don't understand what to do. I created Html5 dynamic banner from Google web designer template and uploaded to Google Ads. So the problem is that in Firefox click url is not working. Other browsers works fine. In Firefox console when I click ad they show me this. Maybe someone know how to solve this problem? Also I changed transform-style: preserve-3d; to "flat", but don't solved problem.
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